Ted英语演讲:Wearing nothing new只买旧衣服的“旧衣新穿”[中英字幕]

TED Technology, Entertainment, Design在英语中的缩写,美国的一家私有非营利机构,以它组织的TED大会著称;将"用思想的力量来改变世界"作为宗旨。事实上,除了科技、娱乐、设计的主题,这场盛会涉及的领域还在不断扩展,展现着涉及几乎各个领域的各种见解,TED的演讲简短且深刻,参加者们称它为 “超级大脑SPA”。

I'm Jessi, and this is my suitcase. But before I show you what I've got inside, I'm going to make a very public confession, and that is, I'm outfit-obsessed. I love finding, wearing, and more recently, photographing and blogging a different, colorful, crazy outfit for every single occasion. But I don't buy anything new. I get all my clothes secondhand from flea markets and thrift stores. Aww, thank you. Secondhand shopping allows me to reduce the impact my wardrobe has on the environment and on my wallet. I get to meet all kinds of great people; my dollars usually go to a good cause; I look pretty unique; and it makes shopping like my own personal treasure hunt. I mean, what am I going to find today? Is it going to be my size? Will I like the color? Will it be under $20? If all the answers are yes, I feel as though I've won.

我是杰西, 这是我的旅行箱。 但是当我给你看我在里面装什么之前, 我要做一个非常公开的坦白, 那就是, 我对衣服极度迷恋。 我超爱寻找它们并穿上它们, 最近, 还爱上了拍它们的照片和写有关它们的博客, 每一套与众不同,丰富多彩,疯狂的衣服 都有其最适合的那一个场合。 但我不买任何新东西。 我的衣服都是二手买到的 从跳蚤市场和旧货店。 噢,谢谢你。 二手购物 让我减少 购买衣服对环境的影响, 以及对我钱包的影响。 我能结识各种有趣的人; 还能省下钱捐给慈善机构; 我的打扮也自成一派; 同时,购物变成了我的私人寻宝。 我会想,我今天会找到什么? 会不会正好是我的尺寸? 会是我喜欢的颜色吗? 会在二十美金以下吗? 如果答案都是“是”, 我就觉得自己赢了。

I want to get back to my suitcase and tell you what I packed for this exciting week here at TED. I mean, what does somebody with all these outfits bring with her? So I'm going to show you exactly what I brought. I brought seven pairs of underpants and that's it. Exactly one week's worth of undies is all I put in my suitcase. I was betting that I'd be able to find everything else I could possible want to wear once I got here to Palm Springs. And since you don't know me as the woman walking around TED in her underwear -- (Laughter) that means I found a few things. And I'd really love to show you my week's worth of outfits right now. Does that sound good? (Applause) So as I do this, I'm also going to tell you a few of the life lessons that, believe it or not, I have picked up in these adventures wearing nothing new.

我想回到我的旅行箱 告诉你们为了在TED这激动人心的一周, 我都带了些什么。 这个有这么多的衣服的家伙到底会带什么? 所以我要给你看到底我带了什么。 我带了七条內裤 就这些。 正好一周的內裤 是我旅行箱内的一切。 我打赌我在棕榈泉, 会找到 我需要的所有衣服。 既然你现在看到的我, 不是那个“穿着内裤在TED走来走去的女人”- (笑声) 这就说明我确实找到了一些新东西。 而且现在我真的很想给你看我一周的衣服。 是不是听起来很不错? (掌声) 当然同时, 我还会和你们聊一聊生活指导之类的, 无论你们是否相信,这些都是 我在“旧衣新穿”冒险中提炼出来的想法。

So let's start with Sunday. I call this "Shiny Tiger." You do not have to spend a lot of money to look great. You can almost always look phenomenal for under $50. This whole outfit, including the jacket, cost me $55, and it was the most expensive thing that I wore the entire week.

那么我们从星期日开始。 我叫这个“闪亮老虎”。 你不需要用很多的钱也能显得气质非凡。 甚至你几乎总可以只花不到50美金,就能令人印象深刻。 这整套衣服, 包括外套 用了我五十五美金, 而这是我这一整周内 穿的最贵的衣服。

Monday: Color is powerful. It is almost physiologically impossible to be in a bad mood when you're wearing bright red pants. (Laughter) If you are happy, you are going to attract other happy people to you.

星期一:色彩是强大的。 在生理上,几乎不可能 穿上明亮的红色裤子时仍然心情郁闷。 (笑声) 如果你快乐, 你会吸引到其他快乐的人。

Tuesday: Fitting in is way overrated. I've spent a whole lot of my life trying to be myself and at the same time fit in. Just be who you are. If you are surrounding yourself with the right people, they will not only get it, they will appreciate it.

星期二: 主流被远远高估了。 我一生中花了很多时间, 想做自己, 同时融入主流。 就做你自己。 如果你身边有对的人, 他们不仅会懂, 他们还会欣赏。

Wednesday: Embrace your inner child. Sometimes people tell me that I look like I'm playing dress-up, or that I remind them of their seven-year-old. I like to smile and say, "Thank you."

星期三: 接受你的童心。 有时候有人会告诉我, 说我像玩打扮, 或者我让他们想起了他们七岁的孩子。 我喜欢对他们微笑, 并且说“谢谢。”

Thursday: Confidence is key. If you think you look good in something, you almost certainly do. And if you don't think you look good in something, you're also probably right. I grew up with a mom who taught me this day-in and day-out. But it wasn't until I turned 30 that I really got what this meant. And I'm going to break it down for you for just a second. If you believe you're a beautiful person inside and out, there is no look that you can't pull off. So there is no excuse for any of us here in this audience. We should be able to rock anything we want to rock. Thank you.

星期四: 自信心是关键。 如果你觉得你穿什么好看, 那你一定会穿得好看。 如果你不觉得你穿什么好看, 那你差不多也肯定是对的。 从小到大,我妈妈每天都告诉我这个, 但是我到了三十岁, 才知道这是什么意思。 而且我会为你很快的分析一下。 如果你相信你是个美丽的人, 里里外外, 没有什么衣服是你不能穿的好看的。 所以在座的各位都没有任何理由。 我们可以想穿什么就穿什么。 谢谢。



Friday: A universal truth -- five words for you: Gold sequins go with everything.

星期五: 一个普遍的真理 -- 几个字给你: 金亮片百搭。

And finally, Saturday: Developing your own unique personal style is a really great way to tell the world something about you without having to say a word. It's been proven to me time and time again as people have walked up to me this week simply because of what I'm wearing, and we've had great conversations.

最后,星期六: 发展独特的个人风格。 真的是个很好的方式告诉世界你是谁, 一字都不必说。 它一次又一次对我证明 这周内当人们一次次走向我, 只是因为我穿了什么。 我们进行很愉快的谈话。

So obviously this is not all going to fit back in my tiny suitcase. So before I go home to Brooklyn, I'm going to donate everything back. Because the lesson I'm trying to learn myself this week is that it's okay to let go. I don't need to get emotionally attached to these things because around the corner, there is always going to be another crazy, colorful, shiny outfit just waiting for me, if I put a little love in my heart and look.

当然这衣服都不会挤进 我的小旅行箱。 所以在我回布鲁克林之前, 我会把一切都捐回。 因为这个星期我在教自己 放手是可以的。 我不需要对东西眷恋, 因为在下一个角落, 永远会有 又一套疯狂的,色彩鲜艳 闪闪发光的衣服 在等我, 只要我带着爱去寻找。

Thank you very much.




Thank you.


