
Also bought my first guitar for $25 there Music was an important part of my life And it's just so relaxing to play with the guitar every day for twenty years


Top Dog, here in Berkeley, I've never... I have never... That inspired me and my computer design so much

伯克利大学的顶好热狗 我从未我从来没有这家店给了我太多电脑设计的灵感

because Top Dog, a hot dog then it was at a different price but now like 75 cents but it's $3 for a hot dog you don't have to figure some pennies out for tax

因为顶好热狗 现在一般是75美分 当初不是这个价可他家的热狗就卖三块你也无需找零钱付税

You know, you buy a 50 cents for a bun, it's a dollar and fifty for a drink

就是那种50美分买个面包 一块五买杯饮料

Nice simple amounting, you don't have to do all these worrying about the fringe, little extra details that every accountant will tell you are the important critical parts


It is so simple. It is so nice for the buyer

定价如此简单 对于买家来说非常便捷

And I like to put that thought about simplicity into all of my designs just make them work so simple, the person doesn't have to do as much work

我喜欢在我的所有设计中体现出这种简单性即使得产品使用简便 无需人们多费力

doesn't have to think as much get the details out of the way Purpose of engineering courses should build devices,


appliances that make our homelife a lot simpler and give us more fun and more time they save us work and they save us thinking


and that was the goal and we did this long enough someday we'd only have to work four days a week we were totally successful,

这就是目标 我们为此一直在努力以后可能我们一周只需工作四天我们很成功

but now it takes two people working hard stressful fulltime jobs just to own a home in Sillicon Valley


So we didn't really... the wealth didn't come out that way to those that were doing the work

所以我们还没有真正对于那些工作的人来说 财富不会轻易得到






