2012年Michael Lewis普林斯顿大学(3)

I wrote at nights, without much effect mainly because I hadn't the first clue what I should write about

我在晚上写作 没有造成什么影响主要是因为我不知道该写哪些东西

One night, I was invited to a dinner where I sat next to the wife of a big shot at a giant Wall Street investment bank, called Salomon Brothers

一天晚上 我被邀请参加一个晚宴我身旁的女士是一个华尔街投资银行的大佬的太太那家银行叫做所罗门兄弟公司

She more or less forced her husband to give me a job


I knew next to nothing about Salomon Brothers


But Salomon Brothers happened to be where Wall Street was being reinvented into the place we have all come to know and love today


When I got there I was assigned, almost arbitrarily to the very best job and place to observe the growing madness they turned me into the house derivatives expert

当我到了那家公司 我被几乎随机的分配到了一份最好的工作使我有机会观察这滋长中的疯狂他们把我变成一个衍生产品的内部专家

A year and a half later Salomon Brothers was handing me a check for hundreds of thousands of dollars to give advice about derivatives to professional investors

一年半以后 所罗门兄弟开给我数十万美元的支票让我给专业投资者提供有关衍生产品的咨询

Now I had something to write about Salomon Brothers

现在 我有东西可写了 所罗门兄弟公司

Wall Street had become so unhinged that it was paying recent Princeton graduates who knew nothing about money small fortunes to pretend to be experts about money


I'd stumbled into my next senior thesis


I called up my father. I told him


I was going to quit this job that now promised me millions of dollars to write a book for an advance of 40 grand


There was a long pause on the other end of the line


You might just want to think about that, he said

也许你该再考虑一下 他说

Why? I asked


You could stay at Salomon Brothers 10 years, make your fortune and then write your books, he said

在所罗门兄弟公司再干10年 赚一大笔钱然后再写你的书 他说


当莘莘学子走出象牙塔,迈向社会,怎样做好从学子到社会人的华丽转变呢?我们可以从风云学长们的成长故事和忠告中获得些什么呢?面对一份收益优厚的工作,对于自己怀揣的梦想,你会做出怎样的抉择?或许,2012年普林斯顿大学Michael Lewis的毕业演讲能够让你有所收获。




2012年Michael Lewis普林斯顿大学(3)-SD冠军锦标赛
