TED演讲:信息 脑对脑沟通已来临(2)
So this is just one experiment that we published a few years ago,where a monkey, without moving its body,learned to control the movements of an avatar arm,a virtual arm that doesn't exist.
What you're listening to is the sound of the brain of this monkey as it explores three different visually identical spheres in virtual space.
And to get a reward, a drop of orange juice that monkeys love,this animal has to detect, select one of these objects by touching,not by seeing it, by touching it,because every time this virtual hand touches one of the objects,an electrical pulse goes back to the brain of the animal describing the fine texture of the surface of this object, so the animal can judge what is the correct object that he has to grab, and if he does that, he gets a reward without moving a muscle.
奖励就是给猴子一滴它喜欢的橙汁,这只猴子需要通过触摸来探测和选取其中一个物品,不是通过观察,而是通过触摸,因为每当虚拟手臂触摸一个物体时,一个电子脉冲就会传到猴子的脑部给这个动物描述物体表面的质地,猴子就能够判断它需要选哪个物体,如果它找到正确的物体, 他将无需动一块肌肉而得到奖赏。
The perfect Brazilian lunch:
not moving a muscle and getting your orange juice.
So as we saw this happening,we actually came and proposed the idea that we had published 15 years ago.
We reenacted this paper.
We got it out of the drawers,and we proposed that perhaps we could get a human being that is paralyzed to actually use the brain-machine interface to regain mobility.
The idea was that if you suffered and that can happen to any one of us.
Let me tell you, it's very sudden.
It's a millisecond of a collision,a car accident that transforms your life completely.
If you have a complete lesion of the spinal cord,you cannot move because your brainstorms cannot reach your muscles.
如果你的脊髓完全损伤,你无法运动因为你的脑电风暴无法 将信号发送到你的肌肉中。
However, your brainstorms continue to be generated in your head.
Paraplegic, quadriplegic patients dream about moving every night.
截瘫,全身瘫痪的患者 每天都梦到自己又能运动四肢。
They have that inside their head.
The problem is how to get that code out of it and make the movement be created again.
So what we proposed was, let's create a new body.
所以我们提出的是 造一个新的肢体。
Let's create a robotic vest.
And that's exactly why Juliano could kick that ball just by thinking,because he was wearing the first brain-controlled robotic vest that can be used by paraplegic, quadriplegic patients to move and to regain feedback.
That was the original idea, 15 years ago.
What I'm going to show you is how 156 people from 25 countries all over the five continents of this beautiful Earth,dropped their lives, dropped their patents,dropped their dogs, wives, kids, school, jobs,and congregated to come to Brazil for 18 months to actually get this done.
我要给你们展示的是从25个国家来自这个美丽星球的五大洲的156人,放下他们的生活 离开他们的父母,宠物、妻子、儿女、功课、工作,聚集到巴西度过18个月来完成这个项目。
Because a couple years after Brazil was awarded the World Cup,we heard that the Brazilian government wanted to do something meaningful in the opening ceremony in the country that reinvented and perfected soccer until we met the Germans, of course.
But that's a different talk,and a different neuroscientist needs to talk about that.
But what Brazil wanted to do is to showcase a completely different country,
a country that values science and technology,and can give a gift to millions, 25 million people around the world that cannot move any longer because of a spinal cord injury.
Well, we went to the Brazilian government and to FIFA and proposed,well, let's have the kickoff of the 2014 World Cup be given by a Brazilian paraplegic using a brain-controlled exoskeleton that allows him to kick the ball and to feel the contact of the ball.
They looked at us, thought that we were completely nuts,and said, Okay, let's try.
We had 18 months to do everything from zero, from scratch.
We had no exoskeleton, we had no patients, we had nothing done.
These people came all together and in 18 months, we got eight patients in a routine of training and basically built from nothing this guy, that we call Bra-Santos Dumont 1.
这些人聚集在一起并且在18个月的时间里 我们有8位患者进行日常训练基本上是从零开始,这个家伙,我们称它为Bra-Santos Dumont一号。
The first brain-controlled exoskeleton to be built was named after the most famous Brazilian scientist ever,Alberto Santos Dumont,who, on October 19, 1901, created and flew himself the first controlled airship on air in Paris for a million people to see.
第一个脑控骨骼康复机器人是以巴西最著名的科学家,阿尔贝托桑托斯杜蒙来命名,他在1901年10月19号 发明并自行飞行了第一架驾驶飞艇 在巴黎上空在百万人们的注视下飞行。
Sorry, my American friends,I live in North Carolina,but it was two years before the Wright Brothers flew on the coast of North Carolina.
你或许记得神经学家Miguel Nicolelis-他建造的脑控骨骼机器人能够让一个瘫痪患者在2014年世界杯开球。他现在在做些什么呢?设计出让两个两种不同的大脑(目前为止是老鼠和猴子)相互发送信息。视频的最后一个实验,如他所说,将会“挑战想象力的极限。