
Tomorrow, the Government will be re-introducing our Bill to scrap the carbon tax.

Scrapping the carbon tax is a vital part of this Government’s Economic Action Strategy because the carbon tax is bad for jobs, it hurts families and it doesn’t help the environment.

By scrapping the carbon tax we’ll save the typical household about $550 a year.

Electricity prices will be lower – by about 9 per cent – and everyone benefits from lower power prices – from the local butcher running fridges and restaurants running ovens, to our largest manufacturers exporting to the world.

And every hospital, school and charity will benefit when power and gas bills fall.

So it’s time to end this bad tax and to terminate Labor’s failed carbon tax experiment.

Labor still can’t admit it’s wrong on the carbon tax – just like they still can’t admit they are wrong on border protection.

Last Thursday, Australia reached a significant milestone – six months had passed without a successful people smuggling venture.

We are stopping the boats. Our polices are working.

In border protection, in the Budget and across government, we are purposefully, methodically and successfully delivering an Economic Action Strategy that is building a strong and prosperous economy for a safe and secure Australia.




