赫敏联合国演讲:谈性别平等 2

How many have you got? We want to know. We want to hear from you.


One of the biggest pieces of feedback I've had since my speech is that men and women want to help but they aren't sure how best to do it.


Men say they've signed the petition. 'What now?' The truth is, the 'what now' is down to you.


What your He for She commitment will be is personal and there is no best way. Everything is valid.

每一个人对 HeForShe 运动的贡献都是带有各自的特点的,没有谁最好的说法。所有贡献都是有用的。

Decide what your commitment is, make it public, and then please report back to us on your progress so that we can share your story.


We want to support, guide and reinforce your efforts.


IMPACT 10x10x10 is about concrete commitments to change, the visibility of these commitments and the measurability of them, too.

IMPACT 10x10x10 是要做出实质性的改变,这些贡献是看得见摸得着的。

How has the campaign impacted me so far?


I've had my breath taken away when a fan told me that since watching my speech she has stopped herself being beaten up by her father.


I've been stunned by the amount of men in my life that have contacted me since my speech to tell me to keep going, and that they want to make sure that their daughters will still be alive to see a world where women have parity economically and politically.


While I would love to claim that uh…this campaign and the results of it are a result of my incredible speech-writing skills, I know that it is not.


It is because the ground is fertile.


It is my belief that there is a greater understanding than ever that women need to be equal participants in our homes, in our societies, in our governments and in our workplaces, and they know that the world is being held back in every way because they are not.


Women share this planet 50/50 and they are under – underrepresented, their potential astonishingly untapped.


We are very excited to be launching IMPACT 10X10X10 to bring He for She into its next phase.

我们怀着激动的心情发起IMPACT 10X10X10活动,引领HeForShe进入下一个阶段。

If you're a He for She, and I'm assuming you are because otherwise you'd be in somebody else's press conference right now, I'm here to ask YOU: What is the impact you can have? How, what, where, when, and with whom?


We want to help. We want to know. And we want to hear from you.


Thank you very much.





赫敏联合国演讲:谈性别平等 2-SD冠军锦标赛
