
Let's just look at a few of these strategies.


First off, it's really interesting to see,to actually visually see, how quick the gay rights movement has made its gains,if you look at a few of the major events on a timeline of both freedom movements.


Now, there are tons of milestones in the civil rights movement,but the first one we're going to start with is the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott.


This was a protest campaign against Montgomery, Alabama's segregation on their public transit system,and it began when a woman named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white person.

这场运动旨在反对,亚拉巴马州,蒙哥马利市对于公共交通系统的,种族隔离政策。它的导火索是,一位叫Rosa Parks的女士,拒绝为一位白人让座。

The campaign lasted a year,and it galvanized the civil rights movement like nothing had before it.


And I call this strategy the I'm tired of your foot on my neck strategy.


So gays and lesbians have been in society since societies began,but up until the mid-20th century,homosexual acts were still illegal in most states.


So just 14 years after the Montgomery bus boycott,a group of LGBT folks took that same strategy.


It's known as Stonewall, in 1969,and it's where a group of LGBT patrons fought back against police beatings at a Greenwich Village bar that sparked three days of rioting.


Incidentally, black and latino LGBT folks were at the forefront of this rebellion,and it's a really interesting example of the intersection of our struggles against racism, homophobia, gender identity and police brutality.


After Stonewall happened, gay liberation groups sprang up all over the country,and the modern gay rights movement as we know it took off.


So the next moment to look at on the timeline is the 1963 March on Washington.


This was a seminal event in the civil rights movement and it's where African-Americans called for both civil and economic justice.


And it's of course where Martin Luther King elivered his famous I have a dream speech,but what's actually less known is that this march was organized by a man named Bayard Rustin.

这也是马丁路德金发表著名的《我有一个梦想》之处。但鲜为人知的是,这次游行,是由一个叫Bayard Rustin的人组织的。

Bayard was an out gay man, Bayard and he's considered one of the most brilliant strategists of the civil rights movement.


He later in his life became a fierce advocate of LGBT rights as well, and his life is testament to the intersection of the struggles.


The March on Washington


is one of the high points of the movement,and it's where there was a fervent belief that African-Americans too could be a part of American democracy.


I call this strategy the We are visible and many in numbers strategy.


Some early gay activists were actually directly inspired by the march,and some had taken part.


Gay pioneer Jack Nichols said,We marched with Martin Luther King,seven of us from the Mattachine Society,which was an early gay rights organization and from that moment on, we had our own dream about a gay rights march of similar proportions.

同性恋权利运动的先驱者Jack Nichols道:我们同马丁路德金一起游行,我们中有七个人来自马特辛社区,一个早期同性恋组织-自此,我们梦想同性恋权利运动,如它般卓尔不群。

Several years later, a series of marches took place,each one gaining the momentum of the gay freedom struggle.


The first one was in 1979,and the second one took place in 1987.


The third one was held in 1993.


Almost a million people showed up,and people were so energized and excited by what had taken place,they went back to their own communities and started their own political and social organizations,further increasing the visibility of the movement.


作为非裔美国人,及同性恋社区的成员,电影制作人Yourba Richen对同性恋权利运动和公民权利运动间的重叠和张力着迷。她探究了这两者如何关联并相互推动向前。并且,在一不容错过的论证中,她推翻了这两者相矛盾的谬论。这有力地提醒了我们,公平和我们每一个人息息相关。




