When researchers ask heroin addicts what's the toughest drug to quit, most say cigarettes.
Yet in my country and many others,half of all the people who were ever addicted to cigarettes have quit without anyone being arrested or put in jail or sent to a treatment program by a prosecutor or a judge.
What did it were higher taxes and time and place restrictions on sale and use and effective anti-smoking campaigns.
Now, could we reduce smoking even more by making it totally illegal? Probably.
现在,我们可以通过立法完全禁止吸烟来进一步减少吸烟吗? 或许吧。
But just imagine the drug war nightmare that would result.
So the challenges we face today are twofold.
The first is the policy challenge of designing and implementing alternatives to ineffective prohibitionist policies,even as we need to get better at regulating and living with the drugs that are now legal.
But the second challenge is tougher,because it's about us.
The obstacles to reform lie not just out there in the power of the prison industrial complex or other vested interests that want to keep things the way they are,but within each and every one of us.
It's our fears and our lack of knowledge and imagination that stands in the way of real reform.
我们的恐惧,我们的缺乏了解还有我们的想象力 这些才是改革路上真正的阻碍。
And ultimately, I think that boils down to the kids,and to every parent's desire to put our baby in a bubble,and the fear that somehow drugs will pierce that bubble and put our young ones at risk.
In fact, sometimes it seems like the entire War on Drugs gets justified as one great big child protection act,which any young person can tell you it's not.
So here's what I say to teenagers.
First, don't do drugs.
Second, don't do drugs.
Third, if you do do drugs,there's some things I want you to know,because my bottom line as your parent is,come home safely at the end of the night and grow up and lead a healthy and good adulthood.
That's my drug education mantra: Safety first.
So this is what I've dedicated my life to,to building an organization and a movement of people who believe we need to turn our backs on the failed prohibitions of the past and embrace new drug policies grounded in science,compassion, health and human rights,where people who come from across the political spectrum and every other spectrum as well,where people who love our drugs,people who hate drugs,and people who don't give a damn about drugs,but every one of us believes that this War on Drugs,this backward, heartless, disastrous War on Drugs,has got to end.