TED演讲:抑郁的狗 强迫症的猫(5)

And there's actually an entire industry that is in some ways based on anthropomorphizing well,and that is the psychopharmaceutical industry.


One in five Americans is currently taking a psychopharmaceutical drug,from the antidepressants and antianxiety medications to the antipsychotics.

有五分之一的美国人 正在服用精神药物,从抗抑郁药 和抗焦虑的药物到抗精神病药。

It turns out that we owe this entire psychopharmaceutical arsenal to other animals.


These drugs were tested in non-human animals first,and not just for toxicity but for behavioral effects.

而且并不止测毒性 还会观察对行为的影响。

The very popular antipsychotic Thorazine first relaxed rats before it relaxed people.


The antianxiety medication Librium was given to cats selected for their meanness in the 1950s and made them into peaceable felines.


And even antidepressants were first tested in rabbits.

还有一些抗抑郁药 首先在兔子身上测试。

Today, however, we are not just giving these drugs to other animals as test subjects,but they're giving them these drugs as patients,both in ethical and much less ethical ways.


SeaWorld gives mother orcas antianxiety medications when their calves are taken away.

美国海洋世界 在拿走逆戟鲸妈妈 的宝宝之后喂给她抗焦虑药物。

Many zoo gorillas have been given antipsychotics and antianxiety medications.


But dogs like my own Oliver are given antidepressants and some antianxiety medications to keep them from jumping out of buildings or jumping into traffic.


Just recently, actually, a study came out in Science that showed that even crawdads responded to antianxiety medication.


It made them braver, less skittish, and more likely to explore their environment.


It's hard to know how many animals are on these drugs,but I can tell you that the animal pharmaceutical industry is immense and growing, from seven billion dollars in 2011 to a projected 9.25 billion by the year 2015.

很难知道有多少动物 在服用这些药物,但我可以告诉你 动物制药业很强大且还在发展。从2011年的70忆美金到2015年预估的92.5忆。

Some animals are on these drugs indefinitely.


Others, like one bonobo who lives in Milwaukee at the zoo there was on them until he started to save his Paxil prescription and then distribute it among the other bonobos.

还有些,比如密尔沃基动物园的黑猩猩本来一直服用 帕罗西直到他把药藏起来,并且分给其他黑猩猩就停用了。

More than psychopharmaceuticals, though, there are many, many, many other therapeutic interventions that help other creatures.


And here is a place where I think actually that veterinary medicine can teach something to human medicine,


Which is, if you take your dog, who is, say,compulsively chasing his tail,into the veterinary behaviorist,their first action isn't to reach for the prescription pad.


It's to ask you about your dog's life.



在滑稽动物视频的背后,时常是相似于人类的问题。劳雷尔·布特曼研究非人类动物背后的精神健康问题—从强迫性的熊,自残的老鼠,到猴子有着不寻常的朋友,布特曼询问着 作为人类我们对抑郁,悲伤,和其他过于人为的动物们中学到了什么。




TED演讲:抑郁的狗 强迫症的猫(5)-SD冠军锦标赛
