TED演讲:抑郁的狗 强迫症的猫(6)

They want to know how often your dog gets outside.


They want to know how much exercise your dog is getting.


They want to know how much social time with other dogs and other humans.


They want to talk to you about what sorts of therapies, largely behavior therapies, you've tried with that animal.


Those are the things that often tend to help the most, especially when combined with psychopharmaceuticals.

这些就是最能 帮助狗狗的方式,特别是跟药物相结合。

The thing, though, I believe, that helps the most, particularly with social animals,is time with other social animals.


In many ways, I feel like I became a service animal to my own dog, and I have seen parrots do it for people and people do it for parrots and dogs do it for elephants and elephants do it for other elephants.


I don't know about you; I get a lot of Internet forwards of unlikely animal friendships.


I also think it's a huge part of Facebook, the monkey that adopts the cat or the great dane who adopted the orphaned fawn,or the cow that makes friends with the pig, and had you asked me eight, nine years ago, about these.

我还认为这组成了脸书的很大一部分,猴子收养了猫或是大丹犬收养了失去双亲的鹿宝宝,又或是奶牛跟猪成了朋友,如果你八、九年前问我 这些故事的话。

I would have told you that they were hopelessly sentimental and maybe too anthropomorphic in the wrong way and maybe even staged, and what I can tell you now is that there is actually something to this.


This is legit. In fact, some interesting studies have pointed to oxytocin levels, which are a kind of bonding hormone that we release when we're having sex or nursing


or around someone that we care for extremely, oxytocin levels raising in both humans and dogs who care about each other or who enjoy each other's company,


and beyond that, other studies show that oxytocin raised even in other pairs of animals,so, say, in goats and dogs who were friends and played with each other, their levels spiked afterwards.


I have a friend who really showed me that mental health is in fact a two-way street.



在滑稽动物视频的背后,时常是相似于人类的问题。劳雷尔·布特曼研究非人类动物背后的精神健康问题—从强迫性的熊,自残的老鼠,到猴子有着不寻常的朋友,布特曼询问着 作为人类我们对抑郁,悲伤,和其他过于人为的动物们中学到了什么。




TED演讲:抑郁的狗 强迫症的猫(6)-SD冠军锦标赛
