励志演讲 :汽车的未来(3)

We did an analysis where you would have a station in each city with each of the 100 largest cities in the United States, and located the stations so you'd be no more than two miles from a station at any time. We put one every 25 miles on the freeway, and it turns out that translates into about 12,000 stations. And at a million dollars each, that would be about 12 billion dollars. Now that's a lot of money. But if you built the Alaskan pipeline today, that's half of what the Alaskan pipeline would cost. But the real exciting vision that we see truly is home refuelling, much like recharging your laptop or recharging your cellphone. So we're pretty excited about the future of hydrogen. We think it's a question of not whether, but a question of when.


What we've targeted for ourselves — and we're making great progress for this goal — is to have a propulsion system based on hydrogen and fuel cells, designed and validated, that can go head-to-head with the internal combustion engine — we're talking about obsoleting the internal combustion engine — and do it in terms of its affordability, add skill volumes, its performance and its durability. So that's what we're driving to for 2010. We haven't seen anything yet in our development work that says that isn't possible. We actually think the future's going to be event-driven. So since we can't predict the future, we want to spend a lot of our time trying to create that future.


I'm very, very intrigued by the fact that our cars and trucks sit idle 90 percent of the time: they're parked, they parked all around us. They're usually parked within 100 feet of the people that own them. Now, if you take the power-generating capability of an automobile and you compare that to the electric grid in the United States, it turns out that 4 percent of the automobiles, the power in 4 percent of the automobiles, equals that of the electric grid of the US. that's a huge power-generating capability, a mobile power-generating capability. And hydrogen and fuel cells give us that opportunity to actually use our cars and trucks when they're parked to generate electricity for the grid.



1. no more than


eg. The oldest one was no more than 35.


eg. No more than three students came to my lecture.


2. turn out


eg. The news turned out to be false.


eg. If it does turn out that you have done something wrong, be quick to say "sorry".


3. translate into


eg. It may take a while for that discomfort to translate into change.


eg. Yet improvements in business might not necessarily translate into job creation.


4. be based on


eg. Based on the similarities they found, the researchers assigned each current employee a flight risk score.


eg. Three of the new products are based on traditional herbal medicines.


5. in terms of


eg. The differences in the children's achievements were not wholly explicable in terms of their social backgrounds.


eg. In the last 30 years, both sexes have performed a somersault in terms of expectations, roles and relationships.


6. be intrigued by


eg. They are intrigued by her story.


eg. Edison was always intrigued by everything around him when he was young.



拉里·伯恩斯(Larry Burns)18岁时加入美国通用汽车公司,那时他就读于通用学院(即现在的凯特林大学),主攻工程学位。在此期间,他的工作和学习六周进行一个轮换,即六周在大学学习,六周在公司工作。他当时的奖学金是由通用研究实验室提供的,而这个实验室是通用汽车公司研发部与策略规划部的前身。伯恩斯获得工程本科学位之后,进入密歇根大学继续读书,获得工程和公共政策硕士学位。在此之后,伯恩斯进入加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校攻读土木工程专业博士学位。





励志演讲 :汽车的未来(3)-SD冠军锦标赛
