励志演讲 :不说绝不(5)
And it didn't stop there. My competitive natures went right into the pros, I get to the Bulls which I was very proud of. At the time Jerry Reinsdorf didn't own the team. It was another organization. Reinsdorf drafted me. kevin Loughery was my first coach. Kevin used to take practice and put me in starting fvie. You know, he made a competitive thing where the losing team had to run. So now we are almost on the winning team, halfway in the game, halfway in the situation, he switched me to the losing team. So I take that as a competitive thing, but you were trying to test me and by nine times out of ten the second team would come back to win, no matter what he did. So I appreciated Kevin Locke to give me that challenge, providing that type of fire with me and he threw another log on that fire for me.
Jerry Reinsdorf, I mean what else can I say. The next year when I came back I broke my foot; I was out of 65 games. And when I came back I want to play. The doctor came with his old theory that you can play only seven minutes a game, but I am practicing two hours a day. I am saying, well, I don't agree with that math. And back then, whoever has the worst record gets the most balls in Ping-Pang balls, you know you can decide what pick you can have, but I didn't care aobut that. I just wanted to win. I wanna make to playoffs. I wanna keep the energy going in Chicago. So I had to go into his office and sat down with him and say "Jerry, I feel like I should play more than 14 minutes and practice more than two hours." He said "We have to protect the long-term investment we've invested on you." I said "I really think I should be able to play." He said "Let me ask you this, if you had a headache." At that time, there was ten percent chance that I can reinjure my ankle or my foot. He said "if you had a headache and you got ten tablets, and one of them is coated with poison, would you take it?" I looked at him and said "How bad is that headache. How bad is that headache." Jerry looked at me and said "You are OK, I guess you had a good answer, you can go back to play. You let me allow you to go back and play."
1. switch to
eg. The law would encourage companies to switch from coal to cleaner fuels.
eg. Estonia is switching to a market economy.
2. long-term
eg. A new training scheme to help the long-term unemployed is expected...
eg. The association believes new technology will provide a long-term solution to credit card fraud.
3. be coated with
eg. TV pictures showed a dying bird coated with oil.
eg. Pills are sometimes coated with sugar.
那年休斯敦火箭队选的状元如大家所料,是休斯敦大学的7尺中锋——大梦哈基姆·奥拉朱旺(Hakeem Olajuwon)。出人意料的,波特兰开拓者选的榜眼是肯塔基的7尺1的中锋Sam Bowie。Bowie在大学时受过几次伤,但是开拓者队还是没有选择乔丹,因为他们前一年得到了另一个令人兴奋的得分后卫——滑翔机克莱德·德雷克斯勒(Clyde Drexler)。最后德雷克斯勒成为了明星而Bowie这个易于受伤的家伙则平庸的度过了自己的生涯。麻烦接踵而至,乔丹因为他的赌博行为受到详细审查;而更严重的是他的父亲被谋杀了。他的父亲是乔丹的精神支柱,是他支持着乔丹一步一步迈向成功的阶梯。1993年7月23日,公牛取得三连冠两个月之后,乔丹的父亲詹姆斯·乔丹(James·Jordan)参加一个朋友的葬礼,回家途中他把车停靠在州际95号路边一个靠近Lumberton,North Carolina的空地上小睡。当地的两个犯人Daniel Green和Larry Matin Demery 杀了他并偷走了乔丹送给他的凌志车;这两个罪犯还用詹姆斯的手机打了几个电话,并被迅速逮捕了。8月3日,James的尸体在一个沼泽被发现,直到5号才正式被确认。因为精神上的巨大打击,同时也为了寻求新的挑战, 就在1993-1994赛季训练营的前一天,乔丹在训练营宣布退役,并在两天后正式发表退役声明;他的23号球衣也随之在公牛队退役。经过长时间的思考,乔丹再次回到聚光灯下时穿的是棒球服:为了完成他父亲的心愿,乔丹进入了棒球大联盟(Major League Baseball),他为芝加哥白袜队www(Chicago White Sox)的次级球队伯明翰男爵队(Birmingham Barons)参加了94赛季的AA级南方联盟(Class AA Southern League)比赛。他能够胜任角色球员的工作,但是进入大联盟的愿望看起来很渺茫。在95赛季临近时,棒球大联盟爆发劳资纠纷,乔丹燃起了回归NBA的火焰。不久,在NBA94-95赛季尚未结束时,乔丹以简单的一句“我回来了(I'm Back)”重新复出。