励志演讲 :不说绝不(6)

You know, Jerry provided a lot of different obstacles for me but at the same time the guy gave me an opportunity to perform at the highest level in terms of basketball. The Bulls, the whole Bulls organization, you know, they did a great adjustments for me and for all my teammates.


Believe me I had a lot of teammates in all the 14 years I played for the Bulls. I respected each one of them. I just wanted them to win, no matter how you looked at it. Doug Collins came at the same time when I was trying to play at the summer time. He said "well, you are part of the organization and the organization said you can't play at the summer time." I said "you read the things in my contract; in my contract I have the 'love the game' clause. That means I can play anytime I want, any place I want." And Doug looked at me and said "you are right, you are right." And that's how we became a little closer. Jerry Krause is right there and Jerry is not here. Obviously I don't know who'd invite him, I didn't. But, I hope he understands it goes a long way. He is a very competitive person. I was a very competitive person. He said organizations win championships. I said "I didn't see organizations playing with the flu in Utah. I didn't see it playing with a bad ankle." Granted, granted, I think organizations put together teams, but at the end of the day, team's got to go out and play. I think the players win the championship, and the organizations has something to do with it, don't get me wrong. But don't try to put the organization above players. Because at the end of the day, players still have got to go out of there and perform. You guys have got to pay us, but I've still got to go out and play.



1. look at


eg. Brian had learned to look at her with new respect.


eg. It depends how you look at it.


2. granted


eg. Granted that you are correct, you may find it hard to prove your point.


eg. Granted that this is ture, what conclusion can you reach?


3. at the end of the day


eg. At the end of the day it's up to the Germans to decide.


eg. At the end of the day, the board's not going to be too concerned with three or four more dollars.


4. have something to do with


eg. Her diligence must have something to do with his success.


eg. It might also have something to do with the education methods my mother used on me.


5. don't get me wrong


eg. Don't get me wrong, it's interesting work. But it's not permanent.


eg. I mean, don't get me wrong. Joanie's my best friend, but she can be kind of a pain sometimes.




继84奥运会上折下桂冠后,乔丹的菜鸟赛季光鲜照人,拿下了最佳新秀的称号。那年他的场均分高达28.2分(仅次于Bernard King和Bird) 同时还有6.5个篮板和5.9个助攻并入选第二阵容。更重要的是,公牛的胜场比上一年多了11场,成功晋级季后赛。在季后赛首轮,乔丹每场拿下29.3分,但可惜球队1:3负与密尔沃基雄鹿队,被淘汰出局。

“在他的菜鸟赛季里,他的攻击范围还不够大,防守时还显得有些松散。”他的第一个NBA教练Kevin Loughery如是说。他的中距离——据篮筐8-15 英尺——投篮还是很不错的(命中率达到51. 5%),他的抢断也掩盖了他防守时身体姿势不够标准的缺点。在这两个方面的提高将会使他最终成为在球场任何位置都能给对方带来威胁的角色并让他成为最好的一对一防守球员。

"甚至在他菜鸟赛季正式开始之前,人们都确信火箭和开拓者将后悔他们的选择",当年的得分王伯纳德·金(Bernard King)早在季前赛时就非常确定的对灌篮杂志(Hoop magazine)这样说到——"我只能说",King 说:“芝加哥的人们真是赚翻了。”






励志演讲 :不说绝不(6)-SD冠军锦标赛
