励志演讲 :不说绝不(10)

I can remember a game coming out of the basketball court; we were down five to ten points. And I go off about 25 points, we come back to win the game. As we walked out the floor and Tex looked me and said "you know, there is 'I' in 'team'." I said "there is not 'I' in 'team', but there is 'I' in 'win'." I think he got my message. I will do anything to win. You know, that means we play team format to win. That means I will have to do whatever I have to do. You've got to win, no matter how you look at it. Then you had all your media message "Scoring champion can't win a NBA title. You are not as good as Magic Johnson, you are not as good as Larry Bird. You are good, but you are not as good as those guys." I have to listen to all this. And that put so much wood on that fire. It kept me each everyday trying to get better as a basketball player. I am not saying they were wrong. I may look at them from a different perspective. But at the same time as a basketball player, I am trying to become the best I can. You know, for someone like me who achieves a lot in this kind of my career, you look for any kind of messages that people may say or do to get you motivated to play the game basketball to the highest level. Because that's what I feel when I assail at my best.

我记得有一场比赛,球队落后了5分还是10分,然后我拿了25分并且球队获胜。比赛结束后,特克斯看着我说:“team中没有I。”我回答说:“嗯,team中的确没有I,但是win里有I。”我想他明白了我的话,为了胜利我可以付出一切,为了胜利,我们注重整体协作。这就意味着我必须完成自己的任务。我们必须赢,无论别人如何评价。之后我听到很多媒体的言论:“得分王不可能拿冠军,你不如“魔术师”约翰逊和拉里· 伯格一样出色,你很出色,但是你就是不如他们。”这一切我都要接受,这一切使我斗志昂扬,每天我都会为了成为更出色的球员而努力。我没有说他们说的是错的,只是我从不同的角度来看待他们的话。同时作为一名篮球运动员,我努力成为最好的自己。像我这种在职业生涯中取得了一些成绩的人,往往会寻求人们所说所作的一切,对你的评价、对你的指责,以此为动力,向最高水平进发。我想这就是我全力以赴时的感受。


1. go off


eg. The meeting went off all right.


eg. Everything went off according to plan.


2. get to do sth.


eg. He's just a pussycat really, once you get to know him.


eg. His mind was in such a turmoil that he couldn't get to sleep.


3. as...as


eg. There was no obvious reason why this could not be as good a film as the original.


eg. Being a mother isn't as bad as I thought at first!




他以一个球员的身份离开了球场回归了管理层,他看着这些年轻的巨星们,确信NBA运作良好。在他的书《我所深爱的运动:我的故事(For the Love of The Game: My Story)》中,他这样写道:"这个世界上没有所谓完美的篮球运动员,我从来也不相信有一个最伟大的球员;每个人身处不同的时代,我站在前人的肩膀上贡献出我自己的才华。我相信,"伟大"是一个时期一个时期不断进化的过程。没有Julius Erving,David Thompson,Walter Davis,和Elgin Baylor,就不会有Michael Jordan。我从他们那里进化而来"。

乔丹很喜欢证明他的反对者错了。在某场对阵犹他爵士的比赛中,乔丹在约翰·斯托克顿头上灌了一个篮,一个爵士球迷喊道"有本事灌个大个的!"下一个回合,乔丹在6尺11寸,285磅的中锋Melvin Turpin头上灌了一个,接着问那个球迷,"这个够大了吧?"





励志演讲 :不说绝不(10)-SD冠军锦标赛
