美国经典英文演讲100篇:Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech 7

If the fear is corruption in official position, do you believe with Charles Evans Hughes that guild is personal and knows no Party? Do you doubt the power of any political leader, if he has the will too do so, to set his own house in order without his neighbors having to burn it down?

What does concern me, in common with thinking partisans of both parties, is not just winning this election but how it is won, how well we can take advantage of this great quadrennial opportunity to debate issues sensibly and soberly. I hope and pray that we Democrats, win or lose, can campaign not as a crusade to exterminate the opposing Party, as our opponents seem to prefer, but as a great opportunity to educate and elevate a people whose destiny is leadership, not alone of a rich and prosperous, contented country, as in the past, but of a world in ferment.


1. partisan a. 偏袒的,党派性的

Even after the country is defeated, partisan fight the invader in the hill.


2. quadrennial a. 连续四年的

The new edition of the US Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) presages a dramatic change in the US military strategy.


3. exterminate v. 消灭,扑灭

This poison will exterminate the rats


4. destiny n. 命运

Destiny is sometimes cruel.


5. ferment n. 发酵,动乱

Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time.





美国经典英文演讲100篇:Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech 7-SD冠军锦标赛
