Bush Visits Walter Reed Army Medical Center(2008-1
THE PRESIDENT: Every time I come here, I get amazed at the quality of care, the professionalism, and the courage of our troops. I can say with certainty that the health care that our troops get in military medical facilities is excellent. I am so pleased to hear from spouses and other loved ones about the care they get, as well, when they come to visit their wounded -- wounded child or wounded husband or wounded spouse.
And so this will probably be my last time coming here as the Commander-in-Chief. It gave me a great pleasure to thank all those who serve here, and all those who serve throughout our military, military medical facilities. You know, I oftentimes say being the Commander-in-Chief of the military is the thing I'll miss the most, and coming here to Walter Reed is a reminder of why I'll miss it.
Thank you very much.
Q How is your shoulder, Mr. President?
THE PRESIDENT: Yes, good shape -- it's about an 80 mile-an-hour fastball.