Thank you very much. Like the speaker before me -- I am a TED virgin, I guess. I'm also the first time here, and... I don't know what to say! 非常感谢大家,和前面一位演讲人一样,我是...大概是TED处女。我也是第一次到这里,不知道该说什么。 I'm rea
It's not harmful; it has just repaired the muscle. Muscle is constantly being used -- constantly being damaged. 这种肿瘤是无害的,它只是修复了肌肉的损伤。肌肉不断地被使用-不断地受到损坏。 If every time we tore a muscle or every time we s
So that's what led me to Alzheimer's. I started reading about Alzheimer's and tried to familiarize myself with the research, 这件事激发了我对阿尔茨海默氏症的兴趣。我开始阅读相关的资料,并使自己的熟悉相关的研究。 and at the same time when I was
Hi, everyone. I'm Sirena. I'm 11 years old and from Connecticut. Well, I'm not really sure why I'm here. 大家好,我叫黄凱珉。我今年十一岁,来自康涅狄格州。嗯,我确实不知道我为什么会在这里。 I mean, what does this have to do with technology, e
I've always had a fascination for computers and technology, and I made a few apps for the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. 我一直都对计算机与科技很入迷,我研制了一些适用于Iphone, iTouch以及iPad的应用。 I'd like to share a couple with
And another thing that I enjoy doing is drawing. Drawing, because I like to draw, you know, Japanese anime art. I think that's a craze among teens right now. 另外一个我爱干的事情是画画,我喜欢画日本动画,这个现在在青少年中非常疯狂。 And
It seems that cancer is a direct result to injury. If you smoke, you damage your lung tissue, and then lung cancer arises. 研究表明,癌症是由损伤直接导致的,如果你吸烟,损害了你的肺部组织,就会引起肺癌。 If you drink, you damage your liver,
Thank you. It's really an honor and a privilege to be here spending my last day as a teenager. 谢谢各位!非常荣幸能够站在这里,与大家分享我19岁的最后一天。 So today I want to talk to you about the future, but first I'm going to t
And one article that really stood out to me when I was just reading about this, 一篇文献引起了我的注意,我读这篇文献, trying to figure out why cancer doesn't go to skeletal muscle, was that it had reported 16 percent o
I've gotten a lot of inspiration from Steve Jobs, and I've started an app club at school, and a teacher at my school is kindly sponsoring my app club. 我也从乔布斯那里得到了很多的启发。在学校里,我建立一个app社团,学校里的一名老师支持着我的这个社
I found this passion not far from here, actually, when I was nine years old. My family was on a road trip and we were in the Grand Canyon. 事实上,我找到热情的地方离这儿并不远,那年我九岁,我们全家一起自驾游到美国大峡谷。 And I had never bee
So I decided to ask why. At first -- the first thing I did was I emailed some professors who specialized in skeletal muscle physiology, 因此,我决定打破沙锅问到底。我做的第一件事是,发电子邮件给一些研究骨骼肌的教授。 and pretty much said, "
At first, I thought I was just going to be here to perform, but unexpectedly, I learned and enjoyed much more. 起初,我以为我到这里来只是为了表演,我没有想到是,我却学到和得到更多的东西, But ... although some of the talks were quite up t
And, furthermore, when skeletal muscle is injured, that's what causes chemokines -- these signals saying, 此外,当骨骼肌受伤时,会导致趋化因子——这些信号说: "Cancer, you can come to me," the "go signs" for the tumors -- it c
Design -- I love its design. I remember when I was little, my mom asked me, "Would you like to play the violin or the piano?" 设计—我喜欢小提琴的设计。我记得我小的时候,我妈妈问我,你是喜欢拉小提琴还是弹钢琴? I looked at that giant monster
But it struck me that I'd never heard of cancer of the heart, or cancer of any skeletal muscle for that matter. 但让我吃惊的是,我从没听过心脏癌这种说法,或骨骼肌癌这种东西。 And skeletal muscle constitutes 50 percent of our body,
Now comes the part that I hate. Well, because Mr. Anderson told me that this session is called "Sync and Flow," 现在到了我讨厌的部分,这个呢,是因为安德森先生告诉我,这部分叫做"和谐和流动", I was wondering, "What do I know that these gen