This afternoon, President Obama addressed the nation from the East Room of the White House, to outline America's response to the situation in Libya. THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. I want to
President Obama makes a statement after a meeting with Congressional leaders on the Federal budget. The President says he remains confident that an agreement can be reached and emphasizes that a gover
The tide of war is receding. When I took office, roughly 180,000 Americans were serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. By the end of this year, that number will be cut in half, and it will continue to decli
The President discusses his plan for our fiscal future, a comprehensive and balanced approach to achieve $4 trillion in deficit reduction over twelve years. This week, I laid out my plan for our fisca
President Obama discusses the steps he is taking to make America competitive in the short and long terms, and why he chose GE CEO Jeff Immelt to head up the new Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. He
President Obama to America's Governors: "The Flexibility That You Need to Find Your Own Innovative Ways Forward" This morning the President & Vice President addressed America's Governors, followin
This week, we had two powerful reminders of how we’ve renewed American leadership in the world. I was proud to announce that—as promised—the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of thi
The President lays out his plans to address rising gas prices over the short and the long term, from a new task force to root out fraud and manipulation in the oil markets to investments in a clean en
Next week, the Senate will vote on the American Jobs Act. It’s a bill that will put more people to work and put more money in the pockets of working Americans. And it will provide our economy with the
Hello, everyone. It’s been almost three weeks since I sent the American Jobs Act to Congress – three weeks since I sent them a bill that would put people back to work and put money in people’s pockets
Hi, everybody. As I’m sure you’ve noticed over the past few weeks, the price at your local pump has been going up and up. And because it’s an election year, so has the temperature of our political rhe
Thank you.Everybody, please have a seat. 谢谢你们。大家请就坐。 Have a seat. Well, welcome to the White House, everybody. 请就坐。好吧,欢迎来到白宫,欢迎你们。 And congratulations to the L.A. Galaxy on your third MLS Cup. Number
Hi, everybody. 嗨,各位好。 Over the past year, as I traveled across the country campaigning for this office, I told you that if I was fortunate enough to be re-elected, I'd work to change a tax code th
For millions of Americans, this weekend is a time to celebrate redemption at God’s hand. Tonight, Jews will gather for a second Seder, where they will retell the story of the Exodus. And tomorrow, my
Hello, everybody.In recent weeks, we’ve seen signs that our economy is growing stronger and creating jobs at a faster clip. While numbers and figures will go up and down in the coming months, what can
We all know the past few years have been difficult for this country. After the worst recession of our lifetimes,it will take longer than any of us would like for the economy to fully recover. But ther
Well, listen, what I just want to say to the reporters who are here: 嗯,听着,我只想对在这里记者们说: You've got three small businesses who are outstanding examples of American entrepreneurship, whether it's
It is good to be back here with all of you. 很高兴能与大家相聚在这里。 I’ve got a few acknowledgments I’ve got to make before I say what I’ve got to say. 在我发言之前我不得不进行一些确认。 First of all, somebody who has served our
Hi. This week, I got the chance to sit down with some impressive students at Lorain County Community College in Ohio. One of them was a woman named Andrea Ashley. Two years ago, Andrea lost her job as
It is a great pleasure to welcome President Karzai to my hometown of Chicago after he extended hospitality to me during my visit to to Kabul recently. 很高兴欢迎卡尔扎伊总统来到我的故乡芝加哥, 而最近在我访问喀布尔期间他对我热情款待。 During