Once upon a time there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all the others, including Love. One day it was announced to all of the feelings that the island wa
Old friends. They finish your sentences, they remember the cat that ran away when you were twelve, and they tell you the truth when you’ve had a bad haircut. But mostly, they are always there fo
It's Great to Be a Guy/Woman Because... 做男人/女人真棒,因为…… It's Great to Be a Guy Because... 我想成为一个男子汗因为…… Our last name stays put. 称谓还等着我们去填写。 We can be President. 我们可能称谓总统。 The same hairstyle las
Red 红色 When learning English, a good memory will help you, but a good imagination may help you even more. 在学英语的过程中,一个好的记忆将有助你的学习,但一个好的想象力可以帮助你更多。 For example, in English we don't have many words f
After Mom died, I began visiting Dad every morning before I went to work. He was weak and moved slowly, but he always had a glass of fresh orange juice on the kitchen table for me, along with a note s
Graduation and moving on 毕业并继续前进 At least once a year, there are a lot of graduations. 至少每年一次,会有很多的毕业典礼。 It’s a time when a lot of people move on, 这是一个很多人继续前进的时刻, from where they were, to another scho
Welcome what comes or Run? 坦然面对到来的…还是逃落荒而逃? Some people say that we should welcome whatever comes our way. 有些人说我们应该欢迎无论什么降临到我们头上的事情。 If unpleasant are directed at us, that's all the better. 如果是针对我
I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K Corporation, a national chain of convenience stores. Among the topics we address in our seminars is the retention of quality employees&mdas
Being Young: A State of Mind 保持年轻:一种精神状态 I recently went on a family outing. 我最近参加了一次家庭郊游。 The kids were running around, 孩子们到处乱跑, being crazy like kids do, 就像孩子们那样疯狂, and my wife and I taking care of
Levels of Communication 1 交际面面观 Phatic communication: Using conventional messages to establish rapport, 交际沟通:使用传统的信息建立密切关系, to break the ice, and/or to end a conversation. 打破僵局,以及/或结束一段对话。 You might h
Being Clean 保持清洁 I don't spent a lot of time grooming myself before I start the day. 在开始一天之前我不会花大量的时间来修饰自己。 But I do make sure that I'm Clean. 但我要确保自己是干净的。 I shave. I brush my teeth. 我刮胡子。我刷牙。
Hearing 听觉 Are you good at lip reading? 你擅长读唇吗? It's not that easy, you should try it sometime. 这并不是那么容易,你应该找个机会试试。 Turn off the volume of your television, and try to understand what is being said
If I Rest, I Rust 如果我休息,我就会生锈 The significant inscription found on an old key—“If I rest, I rust”---would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest bit of
What will matter? 什么才重要? Ready or not, some day it will all come to an end. There will be no more sunrises, no days, no hours or minutes. All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten,
Your place--somewhere to be alone 你的地方-孤独之所 "I'm singing in the shower, just singing in the shower", I do sing when I am in the shower, does anyone out there do the same? "我在淋浴时唱歌,只
Staying in touch with old friends 与老朋友们保持联系 I recently met an old friend I hadn’t seen in ages. 我最近见了一位许久没见面的老朋友。 He said that he had been busy and also didn’t really know to contact me. 他说自己过去一直很忙,也真
Relax. He is the same little boy you loved yesterday. I smiled trying to hold back the tears. “No he isn’t. Yesterday I dreamed he would be an astronaut. Today I am hoping he will learn to
My room at home was too small for me. I barely had room for all the little knickknacks I'd collected over the years. There were so many things I had to pack away in boxes and store in closets all
When the people of Hamelin, Germany had a problem with rats, they called the Pied Piper. With his bewitching pipe and enchanting music, he lured the rats away from the city and into a watery grave. Bu
Mom, the Toughest Job in the World 母亲,世界上最艰苦的工作 If you know me, you know that I always describe moms as our domestic engineers as having the toughest jobs in the world. 如果你认识我,你知道我一向都描述妈妈像国内工程师一样是世界上最