编者按: 试着扩展你的生活范围,参与到身边更广阔的社会中去。这肯定是个挑战,会是困难和不愉快的,但这也是有趣和充实的、有价值并从长远来看有最大收益的。 An American Professor’s Advice to Chinese Students Try a little to stretch yourself and integrate into the greater society a
她推开门,发现里面没人。“我是第一个到办公室的。”她边想着边来到那张属于她的办公桌前。她惊异地发现桌上有一大束花。那是些鲜花。“啊,真漂亮。”南希小姐欢叫着,拿起桌上的花就闻。 The flower effect Miss Nancy had just got a secretary's job in a big company to work in the sales department.Mo
当你的生活中充满着一种渴望,想去看到每一天的美丽,那么美妙的事情就会出现:平凡的生活变得非凡,真实的生活开始滋润你的灵魂!随着每一个新的生活起点,另一个机会展现在你的面前,并再次滋润你的灵魂。 May every day of your life bring you fresh hopes for tomorrow---because hopes give us all our reason fo
编者按: 当她出现在公众面前,她的衣着不会像是在尖叫“看看我!”, 而像是在说“这就是我……其实并不比你好。” Hepburn, the Actress My mother’s acting career was a second choice, a default choice. But the rules were the same as in ballet: hard wok, discip
编者按: 9年前,利奥去世后,人们都对我说,“我从来不知道他是你的继父。”是啊,我从不那样叫他。最初,他在我生活中不占什么特别位置。后来他成了我的朋友。再后来,我觉得他就是我的父亲。 My Stepfather,My Friend Nine years ago,after Leo had died,people said to me,“I never knew he was your stepfa
编者按: 坚韧的人之所以能挺过艰难的岁月,是因为他们选择积极地去应对困境。艰难的岁月不会没完没了,坚韧的人会始终不懈,坚持到底。历史告诉我们,每一个难题都有始有终,任何难题都不会永远存在。 What is the secret ingredient of tough people that enables them to succeed? Why do they survive the tough
【英文原文】 An Excerpt from The Hunchback of Notre-Dame1) In an extensive space left open between the crowd and the fire there was a young girl dancing. Whether this young girl was a human being,or a fairy
【英文原文】 The First American Woman to be A Media Mogul Katharine Graham,who died on July 17at 84,was,for many years,arguably the most powerful woman in America.She was the first woman to be a true media
编者按: 我相信诚实是一件最棒的礼物。我知道如今他们给它取了许多好听的名字,像正直和直率。但是怎么称呼并不重要,关键还在于怎样才算一个好公民。这就是我的准则,我努力按这一准则生活。 I believe honesty is one of the greatest gifts there is. I know they call it a lot of fancy names these days,
编者按: 两千多名大学生出席了她的葬礼,对这位了不起的女士表示敬意。她以自身范例教育我们:发挥自己的潜能永不为晚。记住,衰老是无法抗拒的,而成熟却是可以选择的。 The Rose The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t al
编者按: 人们如果想让自己生存下去,他们就应暂时忘掉争吵,进行反省,人们有千万条理由期待未来的成就极大地超过以往的成就,如果让我们选择,那么擂在我们面前的有幸福、知识和智慧的持续增长。 Shall We Choose Death? Bertrand Russell December 30, 1954 I am speaking not as a Briton, not as a European,
编者按: 这就是我母亲的世界:感情与情感。然而,这两者却从未平静过。 She told us how she felt pangs of emptiness at the sight of other children in their fathers’ arms, how she wished he were there so she could be like the others. As a
编者按: 我祖母,上帝保佑她,认为所有的人都应当劳动,刚才在吃饭时她对我说,你必须学会做一些好事,用粘土、木头、金属或布匹做材料,制作一种对人类有用的东西。 The Shepherd’s1) Daughter It is the opinion of my grandmother,God bless her,that all men should labour,and at the table,a
编者按: 这是1949年诺贝尔文学奖得主威廉.福克纳获奖时发表的著名演说,文中勉励作家必须提升自己的心灵,时时以爱、怜悯与牺牲来唤醒人类亘古的真理。 The Spirit of Man / William Faulkner I feel that this award was not made to me as a man, but to my work -- a life's work in t
编者按: There are times when you just can' t believe what a stranger tells you.Sometimes you' re wrong.But sometimes--you may be right. 傍晚时分有时你简直不能相信陌生人的话。有时你错了,但有时--你又可能是对的。 Dusk Norman Gortsby sat on a
【英文原文】 4 ways to have good skin Think before you drink. Alcohol can dilate small blood vessels,which may lose their ability to constrict.The result:tiny purple facial lines. Hands off. Every time you
【英文原文1】 Spring Fever Peter could no longer remain in doors, not another minute. The beautiful spring days gave him strange feelings. It left him helpless with no control over himself. He took his hat
编者按: 不论我最终跟她讲些什么,我希望至少我能让我的女儿感觉到圣诞是一段特殊的日子,一段她会日夜期盼、带着兴奋与想像翘首以待的日子。 Deck the Halls With Fibs & Folly “So anyway,is Santa real or fake?”the smallest person in the house demanded of me last week.“Wh
【英文原文】 ABC OF AIDS AIDS is the abbreviation of ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME.It is a complicated illness that may involve several phases.it is caused by a virus that can be passed from person to
【英文原文1】 Old John And The Devil (An American Folktale) This folktale1) comes from the South eastern United States. It takes place in the days before automobiles when everyone used horses. A blacksmith―