【英文原文】 Pioneering Jazz Icon Lionel Hampton,94,the frenetic1) jazz vibraphonist2),gifted bandleader and storied showman who was one of the most celebrated musicians of the swing era and went on to a si
即使在最黑暗的日子里,当所有的希望似乎都变得渺茫,天使会赋予你生活的力量和继续前进和动力。如果你所坚信的美好在现实面前有些褪色,她们会再次激励你,并帮助你找到自己的方向。 Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I'm Faith. Surrounding you are angels, they are there to guide your
由于我工作的地方在联合车站的行李寄存处,我看得见每一个上楼的人。 哈里3年多以前来到这里,站在楼梯口等待9点05分到达的火车旅客。 Detour to Romance Located in the checkroom in Union Station as I am, I see everybody that comes up the stairs. Harry came in a little
编者按: 还记得不记得过去外出吃饭是件宽心愉快的事情?有人为你掌勺、服务, 你走后又为你收拾桌子。而你所要做的只是咀嚼、吞咽和付账。可是这已成了过去。今天外出吃饭, 你就像一只实验室里的老鼠, 为了得到一块奶酪, 你不得不在迷宫中四处乱窜。 Remember when eating out was a relaxing experience?Someone else cooked for you,
编者按: 我现在不仅每天爬14级台阶, 还尽量给人一些小小的帮助。或许有一天, 我会给一个坐在车里像我一样在心灵上有盲点的人换轮胎。 Fourteen Steps They say a cat has nine lives, and I am inclined1) to think that possible since I am now living my third life and I’m
【英文原文】 Still I Rise You may write me down in history With your bitter,twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still,like dust,I‘ll rise. Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset1) wit
编者按: 看起来,幸福同纯真的赤子之心有关系,幸福是一种能从最简单的事物里--譬如说,核桃--汲取快乐的能力。 Three Peach Stones Observe a child; any one will do. You will see that not a day passes in which he does not find something or other to make him
【Transcript】 I believe that a little outrage can take you a long way. I remember the exact moment when I discovered outrage as a kind of fuel. It was about 1980. I was 17, the daughter of Bolivian imm
编者按: 表达你的兴趣。握手要有力,直视对方带以微笑。这是表现信心极好的第一印象。要问问题。没有什么比一方侃侃而谈,一方沉默无语的交谈更没意思了。会后寄份感谢卡。若想真给人家留下印象,招聘会后马上将感谢卡寄给那些激起你兴趣的公司。 Top Ten Tips for Career Fair1) Success 1.Develop a commercial.You have 30 seconds to
【英文原文1】 An Experiment in love The dog discovered them――four newborn kittens abandoned in tall grass beside the road.When I returned from my walk carrying the tiny creatures in the palm of my hand,my p
编者按: 1996年的情人节。我带着罗玛去参加奥普拉·温弗里的节目, 在这个全国性电视节目中我向她表示敬意。我想在数百万观众面前告诉她我心里一直想说的话: “亲爱的, 当我在集中营里非常饥饿时, 是你给我送来了吃的。而如今我仍然很饥饿, 我渴望得到那种我永远也不会满足的东西, 那就是:我只渴望得到你的爱。” Hungry for Your Love It is cold, so bitter co
编者按: 我的夏季婚礼最终成为现实,只不过是一年以后。站在Tim身旁,我终于穿上了我梦中的结婚礼服。在随后的十八年里,我们相亲相爱,相濡以沫。如果不是因为这件特殊的礼服,我们永远不会相遇。 The Blessed Dress I got an engagement ring for Christmas. My boyfriend and I had been dating for almost a
【英文原文1】 The Pivotal1) Figure In the Decoding2) of The Human Genome3) Bill Clinton and Tony Blair linked up by satellite on June 26to announce the completion of the first draft of the human genome.Even
定向能源束从上空扫描雷区,飞机里面的分光镜“读出”数据,并记录下地雷周围细菌的具体位置。然后结合使用激光技术和定向能源束,从天空就可以起爆地雷。这样,就不再需要人和动物去干寻找和起爆地雷的高危险性工作了。 Bacteria1) Could Help Detect Mines2) An aircraft flies over a no man's land sown with land mines,
【英文原文1】 Finders Keepers When my daughters reached the third and fourth grades,I occasionally allowed them to walk to and from school alone,if the weather permitted.It was a short distance,so I knew th
编者按: 早上,他睡醒了,听见鹦鹉正在大喊:“自由!自由!”他想也许鹦鹉正落在一棵树上或一块石头上呢。但当他出来的时候,鹦鹉正在笼子里,笼门还开着。 A man, a great man, a fighter for freedom was traveling in the mountains. He stayed in a caravans for the night. He was amaze
编者按: 很久以前,在一个不远的小镇上,三个年轻人坐在一个小旅店外面。他们看见一个送葬队伍经过,便让一个在小旅店工作的年轻人去打听打听是谁死了。那小伙子回来说:“是你们的老朋友,名叫‘快活’。他被一个叫‘死亡’的贼谋杀了。” The Day Death Came To Town Long ago,in a little town not so faraway,three young men sat
编者按: 定下目标。尽管你应该永远给你的选择留有妥协余地,你也应确切知道你到底想从某份工作中获取什么。明确具体地寻找工作要比漫无目的地碰机会有效得多。 Tactics1) for Job-Hunt Success If you're finding it tough to land a job,try expanding your job-hunting plan to include the f
不要对内心深处的东西漠然视之,对待它们要像性命一样看重,没有它们生活就没有意义。 不要沉迷往事或者只在意将来而让生命从指缝间流失。生活要一天天度过,生命的每一天才过充实。 Life's Journey Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that
编者按: 我永远忘不了一个傍晚的情形。你碰见一个人提着一篮子刚出窝的猫仔。那人说,如果没人买,就只能将这些小猫儿溺死。你哭得好伤心哟,就因为不准你带一只回家。 Letter to a Young Friend Among all the people I know,there is one very special friend.She is young,beautiful and intelli