Welcome to another brand new day at Faithradio online daily sunshine. 欢迎来到Faith英语电台每日阳光絮语。 Enlightenment does not ask you to be perfect; it simply asks you to find perfection right where you stand. NS
Welcome to another brand new day at Faithradio online daily sunshine. 欢迎来到Faith英语电台每日阳光絮语。 Our mind has the ability to heal, to realize truth, to manifest desires, to transcend time, to solve difficul
Welcome to another brand new day at Faithradio online daily sunshine. 欢迎来到Faith英语电台每日阳光絮语。 Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be truly n
人生孤独的妙处——那是一种离群索居而又心灵博大的孤独!是一种平淡风清的精神升华,一抹苦涩岁月的淡定的笑容! Solitude --Ella Wheeler Wilcox Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone. For the sad old earth must borrow it's mirth, But
Unsolved Mysteries 未解之谜 Over the past several decades,the U.S., Canada, and Europe have received a great deal of media and even research attention over unusual phenomena and unsolved mysteries. 过去几十年里
Archaeopteryx 始祖鸟 Scientists have determined that Archaeopteryx,the earliest known bird,was definitely birdbrained,meaning no disrespect. 科学家已经确定,已知最古老的鸟类始祖鸟的确是鸟的脑子,这么说并不是对它不敬。 Indeed, they consider t
Coketown 红砖城 Coketown was a town of red brick,or of brick that would have been red if the smoke and the ashes had allowed it;but as matters stood it was a town of unnatural red and black like the pain
There are lots of different kinds of fast food places in the U.S.A.There are McDonald's,Burger king,Taco Bell,Jack in the Box,and more. 在美国,有很多不同种类的快餐食物。有麦当劳,汉堡王,Taco Bell(塔可钟)和Jack in the Box(玩偶匣)等。
Grade Point Average-Talks-Education GPA成绩-话题-教育 Applying for college can be a source of pressure for high school seniors who want to go on with their education. 对于那些纠结升学(受教育)的高中三年组学生来说,申请大学是压力的根源。 Bef
Tax is an inevitable feature of reality.Whether you are your own boss or working for someone else,there are always different taxes waiting to be paid. 税金是现实中一个无可避免的事。无论你是自己当老板还是为别人工作,总会有不同的况等着你去缴。 If
Tennis Court-Sports-Gears 网球场-体育-装备 It is springtime again.Spring is the best season for tennis.My twin sister Wendy and I both like to play tennis.We started since we were kids,and it is still fun to
Clothing-Talks-Details 穿着-话题-细节 I have always paid attention to fashion since I was a child.Now that I have grown up,I am more aware of what I wear every day. 当我还是个小孩子的时候,我就经常注意流行(时尚);现在我长大了,我更是关注(我)自
1.get ahead of 赶超,排名靠前 Some people were hurrying, as if anxious to get ahead of others. 有一些人匆匆忙忙,似乎急于超过别人。 2.rather than 而不是 Circumstances dictated that they played a defensive rather than attacking g
Spring breaks were always used to pay back my sleep debt for burning the midnight oil on a regular basis. 过去的每个春假,我都是用来弥补平日经常熬夜所造成的睡眠不足。 This year was different.My parents,counselors,and friends all e
Beach Volleyball-Sports-Passion 沙滩排球-体育-热衷 The best things about volleyball are the sense of teamwork and the interaction between players.Students and school teams often play in their gyms.Friends and
National Parks-Vacation-United States 国家公园-假期-美国 This past summer I took my family out on a daring trip to see three famous national parks. 刚过去的这个夏天,我带家人去看了三个著名的国家公园,来一个大胆的旅游。 First we arrived at the
My family and I went to Honolulu,Hawaii during summer vacation.Honolulu is on a small island in the North Pacific Ocean. 暑假时,我们全家人去了夏威夷的檀香山。檀香山位于太平洋中的一个小岛上。 We took a special kind of tour bus called t
Winter Clothing Store-Shopping 冬季衣服店-购物 In Detroit,one of the most visited clothing wholesale stores in Burlington Coat Factory.I shop for winter clothes exclusively at Burlington.For a cost-conscious
Awards-School-Encouragement 颁奖-学校-鼓励 Schools like to give out lots of awards.These awards serve the purpose of honoring the ones receiving them and also encouraging the others to do better.This strate
People around the world have religions.Some people consider it as an important part of good mental health while others take it much lightly. 全世界信仰宗教的人们。有些人认为这是一个精神健康的重要因素,而另一些人则不太以为然。 As a Christian,I