We all want an America defined by deep and meaningful equality, from civil rights to labor rights, from women's rights to gay rights-- from ending discrimination to promoting unionization, to prov
Hi, Steve. 乔总,您好 Hi. 您好 Quick question, I think people are curious to know what the city residence can benefit from this new campus. 貌似大家都比较关心民众能从新园区中受益吗? Well, as you know, we're the largest tax
Life is too short, time is too precious, and the stakes are too high to dwell on what might have been. 人生短暂,时间宝贵,沉湎于空想的代价实在太大了。 We have to work together for what still can be. 我们必须团结起来,为我们能够做到的而努力。 An
Only this family could take one of its sons who already had three name changes 只有这个大家庭能够接受一个已经改过三次名字的儿子 and give him a fourth, Dr. Combs 并给他第四个名字 库姆斯博士 I know the board of trustees are looking at me b
That ran counter to our core belief. 这将同我们的核心信念背道而驰 Technology should benefit everyone. 技术应当让每个人受益 So we worked to close the digital divide. 于是我们开始行动 试图缩小这一数字鸿沟 I made a priority at Microsoft, 我原来在微软
That has always been the history of progress in America. 美国曾经的进步都已成为历史。 Think of the suffragists who gathered at Seneca Falls in 1848 and those who kept fighting until women could cast their votes. 想想
We'll have to work hard to get back to fiscal responsibility and a strong middle class. 我们必须努力工作,重新承担财政责任,使中产阶级强大。 But on the day we live in an America whose middle class in thriving and growing a
Mel Gibson's Passion Of The Christ not glamorous. Mel Gibson的耶稣受难记不属于这类范畴。 That's glamour: 这就是魅力。 that's Michelangelo's Pieta, where Mary is the same age as Jesus and they're both
And sprezzatura is the art that conceals art. sprezzatura. 是那种浑然天成的艺术。 It makes things look effortless. 它使得事物简约易懂。 You don't think about how Nicole Kidman is maneuvering that dress she just looks
And that brings me to what I see is a paradox. 这在我看来是一个巨大的悖论 The modern world is an incredible source of innovation 现代世界是一个无可比拟的创新之源 and Stanford stands at the center of that, 斯坦福则位于这一切的中心 creating ne
Excuse me 抱歉 Throughout my life, I have rushed to some of my greatest moments 在我这一生中 我匆匆错过了很多伟大的时刻 and I said if I made it to this point and when I made it to this point 我曾经说过 如果我能走到这一天 I would take m
Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢你们,谢谢你们。 Thank you, so much. 非常感谢你们。 Thank you, all. 感谢你们所有的人。 Thank you very, very much. 非常非常感谢大家。 Well, this isn't exactly the party I'd planned, but I sure like the
Mr Jobs, yeah, you drawn as print, that's high-tech we've. Use your finger. Just point in the air... 乔总,你可以用演示器,我们这儿也是有高科技的。 What we've done is we bought this land right here. We try to bu
I ran-- I ran as a daughter who benefited from opportunities my mother never dreamed of. 我为……作为一个女儿参加竞选,我得益于许多我的母亲从没梦想过的机会。 I ran as a mother who worries about my daughter's future and a mother wh
Dear sisters and brothers, I am not against anyone. 亲爱的姐妹兄弟,我不反对任何人。 Neither am I here to speak in terms of personal revenge against the Taliban or any other terrorist group. 我在这儿演讲也非出于报个人之仇而对抗塔利班或其它恐
And to all of the Board of Trustees, I truly thank you 我还要由衷地感谢校董会全体成员 And I have to send a shout out to the members of the class of 1964 我还要为1964届毕业生喝彩 Happy 50th 50周年快乐 You all know you all are goin
Now, don't get me wrong: scientific skepticism is healthy 别误解我的意思 科学怀疑主义是有好处的 But there is a world of difference between scientific skepticism that seeks out more 但是寻找更多证据的科学怀疑主义同意识形态上 evidence an
To the young people like-a 13-year-old Anne Riddell from Mayfield, Ohio, who had been saving for two years to go to Disney World and decided to use her savings instead to travel to Pennsylvania with h
And 17 years later I did go to college. 十七年后,我真的上了大学。 But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford. 但是我很愚蠢的选择了一个几乎和你们斯坦福大学一样贵的学校。 And all of my working-class parents' sav
All right. Thank you. I've got about apparently 5 or 6 minutes 谢谢大家 我有大概五六分钟时间 to say the most useful things I can think. I'm going to do my best 讲我认为最有用的东西 我会尽我所能 And it was suggested that I