You can take your phone, take a video 你可以用手机拍段视频 share it on YouTube with a few clicks and share it with the world 轻松点击几下就能发到YouTube上 同世界分享 Take a picture, put a filter on it, share it with everyone y
So I could apply all of this acoustic folk picking and slide guitar and etc etc 我能够运用原声民谣拨弦 滑音吉他技巧等等 But it was a very, very closed shop in those days 不过当时 这些是非常非常封闭的 Actually, probably still, maybe 也
Please join me and welcome Sheryl Sandberg 请和我一起欢迎谢丽尔·桑德伯格 Thank you, thank you Catherine 谢谢 谢谢你 凯瑟琳 It's an honor to be here today 今天很荣幸来到这里 to address HBS's distinguished faculty 为尊敬的哈佛商学院的教
I try to be myself honest about my strengths and weaknesses 我努力做真实的自己 直面我的优点和缺点 and I encourage others to do the same 我会鼓励别人也这么做 It is all professional and it is all personal 一切都与职业相关 也都与个人相关 all at t
Thanks to a mutual friend, we rented our garage to two graduate students at Stanford 经朋友介绍 我们将车库租给了两个斯坦福研究生 who had just started a company, who were looking for office space 他们刚开了一家公司 正在寻找办公场所 They se
Life doesn't always present you with the perfect opportunity at the perfect time 生活不会总在完美时间将完美机遇放到你的面前 Opportunities come when you least expect them 机遇经常出现在你最不指望它们出现的时候 or when you're not read
As adults, we are never this honest 作为成年人 我们从不如此直接 And that's not a bad thing 这未必是件坏事 I have borne two children 我也是两个孩子的妈妈 and the last thing I needed were those comments 我最不想听到的恐怕就是这些评论 which obv
Or let's go Excite that? 或是说 让我们Excite一下这个 You guys should be grateful that Larry and Sergey for the name alone 不说别的 就冲谷歌这个名字 你们就该感谢拉里和谢尔盖 So I was working at Intel at the time 我当时在因特尔工作 and I thi
I thank you so much for the interpretation of my music 感谢你们对我的乐曲的演奏 That was really touching 非常让人感动 But, across the music of Geri Allen, and Thara Memory, Valerie Simpson's music 昨晚有婕莉·爱伦 他拉·麦莫里 瓦
We need to start talking about how women underestimate their abilities 我们要讨论 女性相比男性 compared to men and for women 为什么会低估自己的能力 but not men 而且和男性不同 success and likeability are negatively correlated 对于女性
Today we have the special privilege of welcoming a leader of innovation 今天我们特别荣幸地请到了创新领袖 Susan Wojcicki 苏珊·沃西基 As CEO of the world's most popular digital platform, YouTube 作为全世界最受欢迎的数字平台YouTube的首席
So I'd like take this opportunity to thank our parents and those who have supported us to get to this point so far 我希望借此机会感谢我们的父母 还有那些在我们前进道路上给予支持的人们 and thank them in advance for their support as
But amazingly 不过令人惊喜的是 people all over the world 世界各地有很多人 uploaded lots and lots and lots of video 上传了很多很多很多视频 and it just went into a database of Google that nobody could see 这些视频都被存放在一个没人能够看到的谷歌数据库中
What else am I missing? 我还漏掉了什么 Okay, all those others. Those too, those are useful degrees 好 其它所有这些 也都是很有用的学位 I had a degree in history literature 我拿到的是历史文学学位 which is a great degree too 这个学位也很不错 but
People on my team quit and revolt 我的团队成员都开始退出和反抗 But acting fast 不过迅速反应 facing up to the problem 直面问题 making a decision buying YouTube and then investing heavily in it 购买YouTube并对其进行大量投入 was also one
Please welcome our commencement speaker for the 2014 class 有请我们的2014年毕业典礼演讲嘉宾 Mr. Jimmy Page 吉米·佩吉先生 Good morning. I had to check my watch there to make sure it was the morning 早上好 我需要看看手表才能确定这是早晨 It&
If I hadn't owned to my mistake and confronted failure fast 如果我没有快速承认和改正错误 instead of ignoring it, I would not be here today 如果我忽略了这个错误 就不会有今天的我 So maybe another possible thing for you guys to rem
We need more women not just to sit at the table 我们需要更多的女性不仅仅坐在会议桌旁 but as President Obama said 而且要像奥巴马总统 a few weeks ago at Barnard 几周前在Barnard学校说的那样 to take their rightful seats at the head of the ta
Good morning Johns Hopkins 早安 约翰霍普金斯 It's a beautiful day, there's no rain 今天很美好 没有下雨 I never checked the weather as much as I have this past week 我从未像这一周一样 这么关心过天气 Thank you Shawn for that ki