But your dreams if you are sick or get in an accident 还能保障你生病或发生事故时的梦想 But we're going to need some doctors to make sure it works too 不过我们也需要一些医生 让这能够真正实现 We've got to make sure everybody has
So, you can either choose to use those opportunities 你可以选择使用这些机会 to continue fighting the fights that we've been locked in for decades 继续数十年来人类之间持续的冲突和斗争 or you can choose to reject those old divi
That's a Morehouse man talking 这是一个莫尔豪斯人说的 Now, think about it 想想这个 For black men in the '40s and the '50s 对于四五十年代的黑人而言 The threat of violence, the constant humiliations, large and small 暴
I didn't make it to many classes this year 我今年根本就没上什么课 You guys must have really tanked your finals 你们期末考试肯定是故意输给我的 Thank you for that 谢谢你们的好意 I'd also like to thank President Teresa Sullivan
It was that mission 这就是学校的使命 Not just to educate men, but to cultivate good men, strong men, upright men 它不仅是教授知识 还要培育善良 强大 正直的人 That brought community leaders together 要能将社区领袖聚集在一起 Just two years aft
And I want to be clear 我要讲清楚 This isn't just some vague platitude about building character 这不仅仅是关于塑造性格的含糊其辞的陈词滥调 In recent years 近年来 we've actually been seeing a growing body of research that
So you should be incredibly proud 所以你们应该异常自豪 And I hope that you never lose sight of what brought you to this day 而且我希望永远不要忘记 是什么成就了这一天的你 those values that you came here with 也就是你们来到这里时所拥有的价值观 and tho
After all, I don't know if you've seen it 我不知道你们见过这个没有 This week's Time Magazine called you 本周的时代杂志把你们称作 lazy entitled narcissists 懒惰的自恋狂 who are part of the Me Me Me Generation 你们是"我
And I'm not just talking about your love lives, either 这里说的显然不只是爱情生活 I am talking about all those papers you poured your heart into 我讲的是你们倾注心血完成的那些论文 all those caffeine-fueled all-nighters 所有那些靠咖啡
And of course 当然 I want to join in recognizing all of these beautiful people in the stands today 我还要感谢今天来到看台的所有人 the family members who supported you all every step of the way 感谢一直支持你们的家庭成员 And since
There is no secret society out there 外面没有秘密帮会 that will tap you on the shoulder one night and show you the way 能够某天晚上轻拍你的肩膀 给你指明方向 because the true secret is 因为真正的秘密在于 your life will not be defined by
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm honored to introduce Michelle Obama 女士们 先生们 我很荣幸地介绍米歇尔·奥巴马 a first lady whose life in service as attorney, public service, educator 这位第一夫人是优秀的律师 公益服务者 教育者 wife and mother
But I will say it betrays a poverty of ambition 我想说的是 如果你只考虑着买到什么商品 If all you think about is what goods you can buy instead of what good you can do 而不考虑能够带来什么福祉 这就有悖于贫穷之志 So, yes, go get that law deg
Let's give it up a round of applause 让我们用热烈掌声感谢那些 for those paying out-of-state tuition, shall we? 支付高额州外学费的同学 好吗 Because without those people 因为 没有这些人 tomorrow instead of wearing gowns and mortar
"I don't care how well your business is doing You're not taking care of you "我不关心你的生意做得怎样""你肯定没照顾好自己" Your business might have a great bottom line, but you are your mo
See here at Eastern, you have an extraordinary culture of service 这是在东部 你们有非比寻常的服务传统 Many of you spent your spring break volunteering in places 春假时 你们很多人都到新奥尔良 like New Orleans and Washington DC 华盛顿特区
I've learned about Smithies writing honors theses on subjects that I not only don't understand but I can't even pronounce 我发现 很多史密斯人的荣誉论文标题我不仅无法理解 甚至不会发音 Like Lisa Stephanie Cunden's t
And you have seen that your community has become even stronger 而且你们看到 自己的社区变得比以往更强 even more vibrant because of these men and women 更充满活力 这正是得益于这些人 because they are part of this community 因为他们是社区的一部分
I love you too You know I have to start with by tweeting this 我也爱你们 首先请让我就此发一条推文 so just give me one second I'm a professional so this will only take a second 一秒钟就够了 我非常专业 所以这只需要一秒钟 All right I wa
To me, it's very much a third women's revolution call to arms She spoke of the need to dispel myths about ambition and success 在我看来 这就是第三次女性革命的革命宣言她讲到消除抱负和成功误区的必要性 Chief among them the myth th