Death 死亡 Death is a door opening to a new life. 死亡开启了新生的门。 I live and die everyday. 每天都是方生方死,方死方生。 We all come in the middle of the movie and we all leave in the middle of the movie. 每个人都在电影演到中途的时候出场,
Barriers 障碍 I go beyond barriers into possibilities. 我能够超越各种障碍,探索各种可能。 There are no barriers to my life. 我的生活中没有障碍。 The gateways to wisdom and learning are always open, and more and more I am choosing
Children 育儿 You can teach, but you can't force. 你可以教育,但不能强迫。 I love children and they love me. 我爱孩子们,孩子们也爱我。 Open, loving communication with children is one of my greatest joys. 和孩子之间无拘无束又亲切温馨的交流是我最大的
Body 身体 My body is a good friend that I take loving care of. 身体是我的好朋友,需要我细心呵护。 I love my body. 我爱惜自己的身体。 My body is perfect for me at this time. 此时此刻,对我而言,我的身体堪称完美。 My body weight is also perfect. 我的体
Car 开车 I am a competent driver and a friendly passenger. 我是一个称职的驾驶员和一个友善的乘客。 I love my car. 我爱我的汽车。 Driving is a safe and pleasant experience for me. 开车对于我是一种安全且愉悦的经历。 I take good care of my car, and
Home 家 My inner home and my outer home are places of beauty and peace. 我内在的家和外在的家都是美丽、安宁的地方。 My heart is my home. 我的心就是我的家。 I am at home in my own heart. 回归心灵让我感觉回家。 I take my heart with me to whereve
Dreams 梦 My dreams are a joyful loving experience. 我的梦是充满爱的快乐经历。 My bed is a safe place. 我的床是安全的避风港。 Please do not listen to the news or watch it on TV the last thing at night. 请不要在晚上睡觉前听新闻或看电视。 The n
OLD AGE 衰老 I choose the thoughts that make me feel comfortable with growing older. 我选择能让自己坦然面对衰老的想法。 I am the perfect age. 我正值最佳年龄。 Each year is special and precious and filled with wonders all its ow
Major Purchase 大型购物 I am wisely guided in all my financial affairs. 我明智地理财。 Conscious prosperity benefits all. 有意识的繁荣带来无尽的收益。 I rejoice that I am at a point in life where I can make a major purchase.
Employment 工作 I do not have to work hard in order to deserve a good income. 我不一定要努力工作才值得拥有丰厚的收入。 I employ positive thoughts. 我运用积极的思想。 As I employ my Higher Self, my Higher Self employs me. 我运用更高的自我时,
Lessons 教训 I have made lessons easy and fun. 我让教训变得轻松、有趣。 I am willing to learn. 我愿意学习。 I am learning to look for the love that is always hidden inside every lesson. 我正学着寻找每一次教训背后隐藏的爱。 Each one of us
Food 食物 Food is a good friend. I thank it for giving its life to nourish me. 食物是我的好朋友,我感谢食物以其精华给我营养。 I love eating good food. 我喜欢美味佳肴。 Eating good, nutritious food is deeply pleasurable whether I am a
Individuality 个性 I am an individual expression of life. 我以自己独有的方式诠释生命。 I am a light in the world. 我是地球上的一束光。 I follow my inner star and sparkle and shine in my own unique way. 我随心而行,以自己独有的方式闪烁发亮。 I am
PARENTS 父母 Parents are wonderful people. 父母是了不起的人。 They, too, were children once. 他们曾经也是孩子。 Now is the time for me to stand up on my own two feet, to support myself, to think for myself. 现在到了我独立自主养活自己
Gossip 说闲话 I share only the good news. 我只传递好消息。 I am an excellent communicator. 我是出色的沟通者。 Once I became aware of the harm that gossip does to everyone involved with it, I decided to stop gossiping and
Loss 失去 New, wonderful experiences now enter my life. I am safe. 崭新,美妙的经历进入我的生活,我感觉很安全。 I pay attention to the good in life. 我关注生活中的美好。 I know that good resides in very moment and in very place, and t
Income 收入 My increasing financial status reflects my changing beliefs about income. 经济状况日益好转,反应出我的收入观念在改变。 I bless my income with love and watch it grow. 我用爱祝福自己的收入,并看着它增长。 My income is perfect for me
Acceptance 包容 I dwell in a world of love and acceptance. 我生活在一个充满爱和包容的世界里。 I radiate acceptance. 凡事包容。 If I want to be accepted as I am, then I need to be willing to accept others as they are. 如果希望自己被
NEW OUTLOOKS 新观念 Every moment is a new beginning point. 每一时刻都是新的开始。 I enjoy new ways of thinking. 我喜欢新的思维方式。 We do a lot of vacillating between old ideas and new ways of thinking. 人们在新旧观念之间总是优柔寡断,犹豫不决
MOURNING 哀悼 I am at peace with my loved one’s passing. 我平静地面对亲人的离去。 I am at peace with the grieving process. 我平静地面对整个哀伤的过程。 The mourning process takes at least a year. 哀伤的过程通常至少一年。 I have to experienc