Throughout my career, I've been fortunate enough to work with many of the great international architects, 在我的职业生涯里,我非常幸运的和很多着名的国际建筑师一起工作过, documenting their work and observing how their designs ha
When I asked people why they were digging their houses from the ground, 当我问人们为什么要地上往下挖洞建房子时, they simply replied that they are poor wheat and apple farmers who didn't have the money to buy materia
When a new inhabitant moves into the tower, 当一个新的居住者搬进这座大楼, they already have a roof over their head, 他们已经有一个可以遮盖的房顶, so they just typically mark their space with a few curtains or sheets. 所以他们通常只是使用很
While it may appear to be a completely chaotic place, 虽然它看上去好像是一个很混乱的地方, when you see it from above, there seems to be a whole grid of waterways and canals connecting each and every home. 但当你从上往下看,那里好
There's only one little entrance to the entire building, 整座大楼只有一个小小的入口, and the 3,000 residents come in and out through that single door. 3000居民从这里通过这一个门进出。 Together, the inhabitants created publi
But then in the apartment across the hall from this cow shed lives a newly married couple in what locals describe as one of the nicest apartments in the area. 不过从这个牛棚穿过楼道的这个公寓住着一对新婚的夫妻,这里被当地人形容为当地最好的一
Like Makoko and the Torre David, 像马卡卡和托雷大卫一样, throughout the Zabbaleen you'll find all the same facilities as in any typical neighborhood. 通过扎巴林你可以发现在任何典型的社区里都完全一样的设施。 There are the retail shops,
Over the past seven years, I've been following my fascination with the built environment, 在过去的七年里,我一直在追随着我对建筑环境的兴趣, and for those of you who know me, you would say that this obsession has led me t
There is even a photo studio where you see the sort of aspiration with a faraway place, like that hotel in Sweden. 这是甚至有一个照相馆让你看到一种期望去住在真正的大房子里或者和一个遥远的地方产生联系,比如瑞典的旅馆。 On this particular evening, 在这个特别
Today, they live in this area, 今天,他们生活在这片区域, approximately 50,000 to 70,000 people, 大约5万到7万人, who live in this community of self-built multi-story houses where up to three generations live in one stru