Despite implicit and explicit questions of my right to be in an elite space, I'm proud to report that when I graduated, 我不知道自己是否能算精英阶层,但我很骄傲地宣称, I was the first black woman to earn a PhD in astrophysi
One of my favorite examples of liminal excellence comes from the late Dr. Claudia Alexander, 我最欣赏的一位具有交叉才能的榜样是已故的克劳迪娅·亚历山大博士, a black woman plasma physicist, who passed away this past July after a 10-
Great things happen at intersections. 交叉点是个产生奇迹的地方。 In fact, I would argue that some of the most interesting things of the human experience occur at the intersections, 实际上,我想说,人类历史上许多最伟大的事情都发生在交叉点, in
After receiving my master's at Fisk, I went on to Yale to complete my PhD. 在菲斯克大学获得硕士学位后,我去了耶鲁大学,完成了博士学业。 Once I was physically occupying the space that would ultimately give way to my childhood aspir
So with this realization in mind, I decided to embrace all of the different versions of myself 带着这种认识,我决定接受一个截然不同的自己, even allow myself to reinvent myself at times. 甚至允许自己以全新的面貌出现。 So for example, in
I've lived the entirety of my life in the in-between, 我一直生活在向交地带, in the liminal space between dreams and reality, race and gender, poverty and plenty, science and society. 徜徉于梦想和现实,种族和性别,贫穷与富足,科学和人文之
The purpose for this talk is twofold: first, to say directly to every black, Latina, indigenous, 我今天演讲的目的有两个:第一,我想告诉所有黑人、拉丁裔人、原住民、 First Nation or any other woman or girl who finds herself resting at
While there was certainly the acute pain of the encounter, 尽管这样的遭遇让人极度痛苦,但问题的关键在于, the real issue is that my appearance can tell anyone anything about my ability. 我的出现能让大家看到我的能力。 Beyond that, though,
I was born in Korea -- the land of kimchi; raised in Argentina, 我在泡菜之国--韩国出生;在阿根廷长大, where I ate so much steak that I'm probably 80 percent cow by now; 可能因为吃太多牛排,我觉得现在我80%的成分是牛; and I was educated in
But reinventing yourself can be very hard. You can face a lot of resistance at times. 但是重塑自己是非常难的。你时常会遇到许多阻碍。 When I was nearly done with my PhD, I got bitten by that entrepreneurial bug. 在我快拿到博士学位的时候
Everyone, please think of your biggest personal goal. 请大家想想你们最大的人生目标。 For real -- you can take a second. 实际的人生目标。你得想一会儿。 You've got to feel this to learn it. 你有感觉知道你的目标。 Take a few seconds and think o
I began my college experience just after my family had fallen apart. 我的大学生涯伊始,家庭就分崩离析。 Our financial situation disintegrated just after my father's departure from our lives. 随着父亲离我们而去,家里的经济状况急转直下。 Thi
Now, today my identity quest is no longer to find my tribe. 现在我对自己身份的追寻不再是为了找到我的部族。 It's more about allowing myself to embrace all of the possible permutations of myself 而是为了允许我接受自己所有的可能性,形成自身的多元化, an
We're holding hands, staring at the door. 我们手牵着手,盯着门口。 My siblings and I were waiting for my mother to come back from the hospital. 我和兄弟姐妹们在等着妈妈从医院回来。 She was there because my grandmother had cancer s
It goes like this: 163 people across four separate tests. 比如这个:163个人进行4组不同测试。 Everyone wrote down their personal goal. 每个人写下他们各自的目标。 Then half of them announced their commitment to this goal to the ro