So imagine, that you are transforming, inspiring, and improving not only others but yourself along the way. 想象一下,你不仅不断改进、启发和改善他人的同时,也在改变自己。 This will make you better and stronger! 这将使你变得更优秀,更强大! Bette
This brings me to my final story -- about encouraging transformational change in others. 这就引出了我最后的故事--关于鼓励他人进行变革。 The real heroes of that little story that I'm going to tell you are really my grea
And while you are making a difference at school, at home, at work, 当你们在学校、在家里、在工作中有所作为的时候, many of you will also want to make a bigger difference and take a larger perspective on the pressing issues o
And that brings me to my second story -- standing up for your values and principles. 下面是我的第二个故事,关于坚持你的价值观及原则。 It does not always work. Let me give you an example. 并不总是奏效的。我给你们举个例子。 I highly highly res
My point is this: you can create a lasting legacy by encouraging transformational change in companies, communities and countries. 我的意思是:你可以通过鼓励企业、社区和国家的变革来创造一笔长久的遗产。 And you can do this in two dimensi
This is precisely what you have been doing here at IIT. 这正是你们在伊利诺伊理工大学所做的事情。 You have taken a financial risk -- or maybe not you, maybe your parents -- by attending this great university. 来这所伟大学府求学,你们
And today, the center of our universe is right here in Chicago, on the Ed Glancy Field. 今天,我们整个世界的中心就在这里,芝加哥埃德葛兰西球场。 Today you, the graduates of this great university, have the right to feel like the
There are many values and ideas that are worth standing up for. 有许多值得坚持的价值观和理念。 For my perspective, I've always stood for respect to other fellow human beings and gender equality. 从我的角度来说,我一直主张尊重他
Let me give you another example "from cozy to crazy", and it happened right here in Chicago. 让我再举一个从舒适到疯狂的例子,它就发生在芝加哥。 In 1999, after years of studying at law school, hard work as a young, a
Well, good morning to all of you. 各位早上好。 And let me, first of all, congratulate what you have demonstrated right now an agility in transforming yourself. 首先,请允许我对你们在改造自己的过程中所表现出的敏捷性表示祝贺。 You looked a
But let me add a word of caution: 但我要提醒大家一句: taking risks and reinventing yourself also means leaving room for the unexpected, for the perfectly unplanned. 承担风险并重塑自己,也意味着要为预料之外的、完全计划外的事情留有后路。 And that
With this in mind, I would like to talk about three things that could, could help along the journey: 想到这一点,我想谈谈可能有助于这个旅程的三件事。 First, reinventing yourself and welcoming change and risks. 第一,重塑自己,欢迎改变和风