Hi, everybody. It's the most wonderful time of the year -- and not just because it's the holiday season, 大家好。这是一年中最棒的时候--不仅仅因为这是节日季, but because it's also open enrollment season over at HealthCare.gov
All those consumer protections -- whether you get your health insurance from Obamacare, or Medicare, or Medicaid, or on the job – could go right out the window. 所有这些消费者保护--不管你从奥巴马医保,医疗保险,医疗保健或者在就业岗位上获
You now have free preventive care, like mammograms and contraception. 你现在拥有免费的预防保健,比如乳房X线检查和避孕。 There are no more annual or lifetime limits on the essential care you receive. 你获得的基本护理再也没有年度或者终身的限制。 Wo