编者按: 我终于意识到真正的幸福来自人的精神世界,来自人的心智与灵魂。诚然,在这个纷扰喧嚣的时世,想拥有宁静祥和的内心世界并非易事,这需要我们时常反省、冥思,还要自律。坦然直面自己实属不易。(你得有耐心,能体谅,只要可能,寻求上帝的帮助。)而一旦你的精神世界能真正远离暴风骤雨和阴风邪气的侵犯,你必将获得无比丰厚的回报。 A Reporter Quotes His Sources It’s rath
编者按: 人的生命存在就在于死亡来袭之前,珍惜那些使他短暂的生命变得高贵的思想,鄙弃对命运的恐惧,对自建的圣坛顶礼膜拜,不受机缘的摆布,摆脱主宰他外部生活的粗暴统治而取得心灵的自由,敢于骄傲地向那些不可抗拒的压力挑战 A Freeman's Worship The life of Man, viewed outwardly, is but a small thing in comparison w
We have to recognize that real faith has no easy answers. 我们须认识到真正的信仰,从来没有简单答案 It's difficult and stubborn. 它是困难的、固执而不顺从的 It involves an ongoing struggle, 牵涉不间断的挣扎 a continual questioning of what
And the more I thought about it, the more it made sense that he doubted, 我越想越觉得他的怀疑是源自于 because doubt is essential to faith. 怀疑是相信的必要部分 If this seems a startling idea at first, 如果最初听起来让人吃惊的话 consider
In fact, most of us do, 事实上,我们大多数也会拒绝 whether we're atheist or theist or anywhere in between or beyond, for that matter, 无论我们是无神论者或有神论者,或中间派或超越二者,就此而言 what drives us is that, despite our doubts an
Writing biography is a strange thing to do. 撰写传记是一件不可思议的事情 It's a journey into the foreign territory of somebody else's life, 记下别人的一生就如异国旅程一样 a journey, an exploration that can take you places
In effect, they are the infidels. 实际上,他们才是异教徒 Like fundamentalists of all religious stripes, they have no questions, only answers. 像所有不同宗教的原教旨主义者一样,他们没有发问问题,只有答案 They found the perfect antidote to tho
We do our best to ignore the fact that we don't always have it, 我们尽管忽略一项事实,我们并不常有敬畏之心 and that not everything can be explained. 也不是一切事情都能解释 Yet whether you're a rationalist or a mystic, 然而,无论你
At worst, possession -- that he'd been seized by an evil jinn, 往坏处想,他被邪恶的神怪附身了 a spirit out to deceive him, even to crush the life out of him. 要来欺骗他,甚至来取他的性命 In fact, he was so sure that he could
Still, some boundaries are larger than others. 然而,有些领域的边界更为宽广 So a human encountering the divine, as Muslims believe Muhammad did, 所以当人类遇到了神性时,正如伊斯兰教徒相信穆罕默德一样 to the rationalist, this is a matter not
Surely nothing tests the faith of the believer as much as this - the sudden, frightening, violent death of those we love.There have been many attempts to reconcile intellectually such unbearable trage