This is our earth at night, and it is one of the most striking examples of how we have affected our planet on a global scale. 这是夜晚的地球,这是人类在全球范围内对地球造成显著影响的例子之一。 You can see light spidering out across t
The sky is inherently democratic. 夜空,是人类与生俱来的共享资源。 It's accessible, in principle, anyway, by anyone, everywhere, just simply by the act of looking up. 原则上来说,任何人、在任何地方,都可以欣赏夜空的美,你只需轻轻抬头仰望。 But like so
Now, like I said, I'm a big fan of technology. 正如我所说的,我是个大科技迷。 Obviously, I use technology every day; I'm a scientist. 作为一个科学家,显然每天我都使用高科技。 And there's this tendency to say that it's progress that --
One such example of this is what I'm showing here, called "Galaxy Zoo." 类似的例子就是我现在展示的“银河动物园”项目。 Galaxy Zoo is a project where people get a 20-minute -- even less than that, actually 银河动物园项目是这样的:人们经过20
But there's really not much else. 除此之外,也没什么其它东西了。 As a result, most of my colleagues who are astronomers spent at least part of their youth looking up at the sky in their backyard. 我的大多数天文学家同事们,至少都有过一
This is an author list from the paper that they published of the planet they discovered. 这是他们发表的关于所发现行星论文中的作者列表。 You'll see that all the people who contributed are listed below, 你会看到,所有对此做出贡献的人们都在以下名单
The experience of looking up and knowing that the sky you're looking at surrounds every known living thing in the universe is very profound. 仰望天空,并认识到你正观看的天空包围着宇宙中所有的已知生物,这种感受意义深远。 Think about that fo