I did that with the class of 2014 exactly 我和2014届毕业生这样做了 The class of 2014 2014届毕业生 I am so proud of you 我为你们感到自豪 so proud of you 非常自豪 But I want to ask you a real question 不过我想问一个很实际的问题 Do you know h
So I had 2 choices 我有两种选择 either I was going to sit in that failure and give up 一是在失败中消沉 放弃 or I was going to make a decision to step out of the darkness 二是从黑暗中走出来 You see when you are in that darknes
Back in Iowa 早在爱荷华州时 my mother used to read to me the writings of Martin Luther King 我的母亲曾经读马丁?路德?金的著作给我听 In Dr. King's "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" 金牧师在"寄自伯明翰监狱的信"中 he writ
For myself, with all the willpower I can muster 就我自己而言 我集中全部的意志力 I try to bring the sense of urgency in Dr. King's words to my work today 试图将金博士所说的紧迫感带入我今天的工作 I do this with an understanding that
That's all I can say 这就是我想说的了 It's like you want to start something up in here, right 你们很期待接下来的内容 对吧 It's like, now we got a commencement going on up in here 这里 我们正在进行着毕业典礼 That was beauti
Because it is the day before Mother's Day 马上母亲节就要到了 To all the mothers, Happy Mother's Day 我向所有母亲致以节日的问候 Now, graduates, you all handled your business, right 毕业生们 你们都做好了自己该做的事吧 Just because yo
and you have become an indelible part of the history of this school 并让自己也成为了学校历史中不可抹去的一部分 a history that, as you all know, stretches back 大家都知道 整个历史可以一直 to well before the Civil War, back to 1826 追溯到南
The World Bank Group is an extraordinary organization 世界银行集团是一个非同寻常的机构 founded in the 1940's 成立于1940年代 to rebuild Europe after World War II 初衷是在二战之后重建欧洲 Over the 66 years of its existence 在其存在的66年
He said and these are his words he said 我引用他的原话 他说 For twenty years I was a slave on these streets 我在这些街道上当了二十年奴隶 It was a penitentiary offense to educate a Negro 为黑人提供教育曾是应处监禁的罪行 I have seen my fello
So, graduates 毕业生们 I hope that you understand that this day is not just the culmination of your own dreams 我希望你们理解 今天并不只是你们自己梦想的实现 but the realization of the dreams of so many who came before you 今天同时
First lady of the United States of America 美利坚合众国第一夫人 Mrs. Michelle Obama 米歇尔.奥巴马夫人 Oh, my goodness 哦 我的天啊 Good morning 早上好 I am so happy to be here with you all 我很高兴同大家一起聚到这里 I'm proud to be here
When an arsonist set fire to the school's library in 1877, they built a new one 1877年学校图书馆被人纵火后 人们又新建了一座 When those two original schools ran into financial troubles years later 数年后 最初这两所学校碰到财政困难时
Kandel's life, I believe demonstrates how a persistent curiosity can help us reach ambitious goals even with great roadblocks in the way 坎德尔的一生 很好地证明了持续的好奇心对雄心壮志的实现有多么重要它能让你不惧艰难险阻 A second tool fo
Mr. President 校长先生 I should now like to introduce Thomas A. Pugel 我下面要介绍 托马斯?A?普格尔 professor of economics and global business 经济和全球商务教授 vice dean for MBA programs, Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Life will continue to be a journey of discovery if you tend the fires of curiosity that burn brightly in all of us 生命是一场持续发现的旅程只有好奇心的火焰 能够照亮我们未来的前路 Such curiosity led Eric Kandel here at NYU, to his l
You have demonstrated this through your work 你的工作便是最好的例证 and your focus on health, nutrition and the environment 你关注健康 营养和环境 You have mobilized the entire country and you've got us all moving 你鼓励全
Thank you, General Caslen, for that introduction 感谢卡斯伦将军的介绍 To General Trainor, General Clarke the faculty and staff at West Point you have been outstanding stewards of this proud institution 感谢特雷纳将军
And through it all, we've refocused our investments in what has always been a key source of American strength: a growing economy that can provide opportunity 经过这些之后 我们将注意力重新投入到美国力量的源泉之上投入到经济增长上 为所
We brainstormed and designed a host of programs to unclog the plumbing of the financial system and to keep credit flowing 我们通过头脑风暴 想出了一系列应对措施来疏通整个金融系统 让信贷保持流动 Not everything worked but we kept at it a
At least since George Washington served as Commander-in-Chief there have been those who warned against foreign entanglements, 至少从乔治·华盛顿担任三军统帅以来 美国就一直都在提防国外的缠斗 that do not touch directly on our securit