Places We Won't Walk 漫游于此的我们 再不携手踏入 Sunlight dances off the leaves 阳光错落挥洒 树叶起舞缤纷 Birds of red color the trees 鸟儿雀跃跳动 装扮红绿树桠 Flowers filled with buzzing bees 蜜蜂嗡嗡茗茗 好不热闹 In places we won't walk 可曾漫游于此的
This Is Why We Can't Get Back Together 这就是为什么我们没办法再在一起 It has been several months since we broke up. 我们已经分手几个月了。 Then out of the ordinary, you asked me if we could get back together. 出人意料地,你问我我们是否还能重新
What Was The First Thing You Did After A Break-up? 分手后你做的第一件事是什么? I drove through some beautiful, winding roads. 我开着车穿过一些美丽而又蜿蜒的公路。 I drove for over two hours, sometimes crying, 我开了两个小时,时不时哭一会, but mo
After Breaking Up -- How To Overcome Separation And Loneliness 分手后--如何克服分离和孤独 1.Accept that it is over, and that you have to move on to another phase in life. 要学会接受这段关系已经结束了,你必须要走向人生的另一个阶段。 After all,