One of our graduate students then says, well, 我们的一个毕业生说,好吧 how does a driverless car communicate with pedestrians? 这个无人驾驶的车,怎样提防行人呢? You have nobody to make eye contact with. 没有司机看着它啊 You don't kn
We think this can all be standardized, and then people 我们觉得这可以标准化 can personalize the stuff that goes into that wall, 那样人们就可以个性化墙上的其他物品 and like the car, we can integrate all kinds of sensing 就像那辆车一样,
I thought I would start with a very brief 我觉得我得从城市的历史 history of cities. 简单说起 Settlements typically began 人们聚井而居 with people clustered around a well, and the size 揭开了典型的定居生活 of that settlement was rou
So we said, we'll, let's look at new cities, and we're involved 所以我们说,看看这些新城市 in a couple of new city projects in China. 我们也要在中国弄几个新城市出来 So we said, let's start with that neighborhood