Now as we pull away from this world -- we're going to keep pulling away from the star now. 现在,我们将视线从这个世界里移出来--我们从这个星球移出来了 One of the things that always frustrated me a little bit about astronomy 天
Now once we mate, we click on the egg. 我们一旦交配之后,就可以点这个蛋。 And this is where the game starts getting interesting, 这样游戏就变得很有趣了, because one of the things we really focused on here was giving the players
And then we can test it out, once we've done that, and see how it would move around. 我们完成这一项之后,就可以测试一下,让它四处走动一下。 And so at this point the computer is procedurally animating this creature. 这时,电脑就会自
Now once we mate, we click on the egg. 我们一旦交配之后,就可以点这个蛋。 And this is where the game starts getting interesting, 这样游戏就变得很有趣了, because one of the things we really focused on here was giving the players
Now, as we pull down here, we still have a whole set of creatures living on the surface of the planet. 现在当我摧毁这里的时候,在这个星球上其实还居住着一系列的生物, There are all these different dynamics going on here. 所以发生着一系列动态的
So here's our little solar system, as we pull away from our melted planet here. 我们把视线从融化了的行星里拉远,来到我们的小小太阳系。 We actually have a couple of other planets in this solar system. 原来在这个太阳系里,我们其实还有好多其他的行星
And you actually start this game in a drop of water, 其实是从一滴水里开始这个游戏的, as a very, very small single-cell creature, 这时你还是一个很小很小的单细胞生物, and right off the bat you basically just have to live, survive, rep
I've always wanted to be a cyborg. 我一直想成为一个半机械人。 One of my favorite shows as a kid was "The Six Million Dollar Man," 我小时候最喜欢的电视剧之一是“无敌金刚”,它的造价是六百万美元。 and this is a little bit closer to t