As fast as thou shalt wane, so fast thou grow'st 迅速地萎缩,一如你迅速地成长 In one of thine, from that which thou departest; 在你那个之内,那个你进出两由的地方, And that fresh blood which youngly thou bestow'st 你年轻时贡献的一注精血若存, Tho
O truant Muse, what shall be thy amends 啊,诗神,有一种真侵染于美, For thy neglect of truth in beauty dyed? 你却不纵情讴歌,这又该当何罪? Both truth and beauty on my love depends; 真和美都仰仗我的爱而生存, So dost thou too, and therein di
That god forbid that made me first your slave, 使我臣服于你之前的神灵, I should in thought control your times of pleasure, 不准我限制你行乐的光阴, Or at your hand the account of hours to crave, 不准我弄清你如何度过每一个时辰。 Being your
Why is my verse so barren of new pride, 为什么我的诗缺乏点晴之笔, So far from variation or quick change? 行文沉闷呆板,千篇一律? Why with the time do I not glance aside 为什么我的诗不顺应时尚, To new-found methods and to compounds str
If thou survive my well-contented day, 如果你的寿限长过我坦然面对的天命之数, When that churl Death my bones with dust shall cover, 当无情的死神掩埋我的尸骨于一抔黄土, And shalt by fortune once more re-survey 而你偶然翻读你这位死去的情郎 These poor r
When I do count the clock that tells the time, 当我细数报时的钟声敲响, And see the brave day sunk in hideous night; 眼看可怖夜色吞噬白昼光芒; When I behold the violet past prime, 当我看到紫罗兰香消玉殒, And sable curls all silvered o'
Where art thou, Muse, that thou forget'st so long 缪斯,你在何方?为什么许久以来 To speak of that which gives thee all thy might? 你沉默,竞把你力量的源泉忘怀。 Spend'st thou thy fury on some worthless song, 你徒费狂放的诗情于陈词滥调, Darkeni
From fairest creatures we desire increase, 我们总愿美的物种繁衍昌盛, That thereby beauty's rose might never die, 好让美的玫瑰永远也不凋零。 But as the riper should by time decease, 纵然时序难逆,物壮必老, His tender heir might bear his
Lord of my love, to whom in vassalage 爱呵,您是我的主,您的德行 Thy merit hath my duty strongly knit, 早已赢得我臣服于您的忠心, To thee I send this written ambassage, 我而今缮写谨呈上片纸诗行, To witness duty, not to show my wit. 只为鞠躬尽职