It will enable both Unix and NT to run on the same hardware platform. The architecture provides excellent investment protection for customers running applications on current Intel-based and PA-RISC sy
Good morning, and let me join my HP colleagues and welcome you to HP MegaForum. One of the greatest challenges facing Chinese industry, government and education is to fully capitalize on the benefits
We have a few other IT-infrastructure software products that I'd like to discuss today, but in somewhat less depth than HP OpenView. HP OpenMail provides the backbone for messaging in a mission-cr
We have integrated into the solution some technology brought over from the Unix side of the house, called Cluster View, which makes it possible to monitor multiple Microsoft Cluster Servers. This is a
One of the reasons our Unix systems are ideally suited to power the Extended Enterprise is our ability to guarantee 99.95 percent up time. We're the only company in the industry that can make that
There's another sphere developing that most mainstream computer suppliers are paying little attention to, and that's the e-consumer. This world has its own set of technology platforms, informa
I've spent the bulk of my time talking about how HP is helping customers build and manage their Extended Enterprise infrastructure. And it's probably appropriate that this discussion has taken
In the past three years, HP's systems integration and consulting service has shown tremendous growth. It has become a vital ingredient in the formula for our success with our Chinese customers and
This year we strengthened our position by acquiring the networking business unit of a company called Symantec. This provided HP OpenView with new capabilities for software distribution, inventory, con
We think this approach is well aligned with the needs of customers like the Xiamen Post and Telecommunication Authority. The comprehensive solution we implemented for its Internet Service Provider req
Our financing Organization provides a simple, single point of contact for financing, leasing and re-marketing products. It also offers innovative "technology refresh" programs that will auto
I've spoken about our systems strategy for powering the Extended Enterprise. Now I'll move onto some important software products. HP OpenView is an industry-leading software product that is ai
The HP Changengine technology makes it possible to pull the process logic outside of the application. This allows customers to change the business logic without changing the application, thus dramatic
So let me turn now to our other systems business — PCs. HP has come from virtually nowhere to become a major player — No. 3 in the world, according to IDC at the end of FY 97. This growth has been fue
In the area of messaging, HP is working with Microsoft on interoperability between HP OpenMail — our messaging backbone product — and Microsoft Exchange. And finally, we're working on customer-spe
So this is the Electronic World HP is helping customers build. We want to help you build and manage the IT infrastructure that allows you to extend your reach into new opportunities. We want to help y
Third, our network-ready PCs enable people to transmit information to friends around the world or to share it with people they don't even know by posting it on a Web site. And, of course, we'r
Let me say a few words about VeriFone's capabilities. They started by providing solutions in the physical world with equipment such as payment terminals. The company then moved to become an early
To give you a glimpse of the role imaging will play, let me describe what we're doing with Liz Claiborne, the very popular designer of women's clothing. We're working together to create a
Unlike some of our competitors, HP has built a thriving consumer business. We have many products aimed at home users and small businesses, and we've developed the supply chain efficiency and suppo