They have an airstrip, they have a canteen,they have hot showers,they have a post office, a tourist shop,a basketball court that doubles as a movie theater. 那儿有停机坪 厨房,热水浴。有邮局,游轮,以及两倍于一个电影院的篮球场。 So it&
He even said,what if they see mistakes and sue us? 他甚至说,如果他们看到错误并起诉我们怎么办? What I saw behind every excuse was deep fear,and what I learned was that to become a doctor,we have to put on our white coats,
Let's just look at a few of these strategies. 让我们来看看其中一些策略吧: First off, it's really interesting to see,to actually visually see, how quick the gay rights movement has made its gains,if you loo
Election night 2008 was a night that tore me in half. 2008年的大选之夜,我激动万分。 It was the night that Barack Obama was elected. 这一夜,巴拉克奥巴马当选总统。 years after the end of slavery,years after the passage of the Vo
So in the oasis of intelligentsia that is TED,I stand here before you this evening as an expert in dragging heavy stuff around cold places. TED是智慧的绿洲,我有幸今晚站在这儿,以一位行走在天寒地冻区域的探险专家的身份发言。 I've been le
And in fact, the gay rights movement asks us to support justice and equality from a space of love. 事实上,婚姻平权运动需要我们,以爱之名支持公平正义。 That may be the biggest, greatest gift that the movement has given us. 这可能
Then, we go one step further. 然后, 我们更进一步。 We add our values when it comes to women's health,LGBT health, alternative medicine,preventive health, and end-of-life decisions. 我们带来了更多的好处:比如女性健康,同性双性恋及
They told me that I'm a traitor to my own profession,that I should be fired,have my medical license taken away,that I should go back to my own country. 他们告诉我, 我背叛了自己的职业,我应该被解雇,我的医生执照应该被吊销,我应该回到自己的
And I sound like a bit of a fraud standing here now with a sort of belly. 我听上去就像 无助的站在那儿朝旷野呼唤的人。 I've put on 30 pounds in the last three weeks. 在过去三周,我已增重30磅。 Being that hungry has left an interes
Scott and his final team of five arrived at the South Pole in 1912 January to find they had been beaten to it by a Norwegian team led by Roald Amundsen,who rode on dogsled. 1912年一月,斯科特和他的五人小分队 到达了南极点。
Are we really saying that it's not worth the risk to print an extra 200 billion for aid? 那么,为了救援而额外印多2千亿钞票这样的风险真的不值得去承担吗? Would the risks really be that different? 这些风险真的会有很大区别吗? To me, it's n
I study the behavior of investors,how they react to policy and the economy. 我研究投资者的行为,研究他们如何应对政策和经济。 It gives me a different angle on the aid issue. 这在救助问题上给我新的启迪。 But it took an innocent question fro
Secondly, inflation simply never became a threat. 第二,通货膨胀单纯来说时不会成为威胁的。 As you can see, in the United States,inflation for most of this period remained below average. 正如你所见到的,在美国,这个阶段大部分时间的通货膨胀都低于平均数。
And last week we sang with the children one of their favorite songs, 上周我们与孩子们一起唱了一首他们最喜爱的歌曲: The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock. 聪明人建房岩石上。 Perhaps some of you know it. Some of the words go lik
Okay, so 90 percent of my photographic process is, in fact, not photographic. 好的,事实上,我摄影过程的百分之九十不仅仅只是照相。 It involves a campaign of letter writing,research and phone calls to access my subjects,which c
I am a vicar in the Church of England. 我是一名英国圣公会的牧师。 I've been a priest in the Church for 20 years. 我做牧师已经有20年了。 For most of that time, I've been struggling and grappling with questions about
He wrote, "If some religious genius did come up with an explanation of exactly why all these deaths made sense,would we feel happier, or safer, or more confident in God?" 他写道:“如果真有宗教天才能够解释通为
For most suicidal folks,or those contemplating suicide,they wouldn't think of hurting another person. 对于大多数试图自杀者,或考虑自杀的人,他们不会想到会伤害到另一个人, They just want their own pain to end. 他们就是想结束自己的痛苦。 Typical
The supreme commander toying with expendable units in a great campaign. 在一场大战中,最高指挥官玩弄着可被牺牲掉的部队。 We are still left with a God who can do the tsunami and allow Auschwitz. 留给我们的仍然是一个可以引发海啸、允许奥斯威辛集中营存在的上
A witness had observed him jumping off the bridge at 1:58 p.m. the previous day. 一名目击者看到他从桥上冲下去,就在前一天下午1点58分。 Thanks so much for standing up for those who may be only temporarily too weak to stand for