I remember my teacher. When I first started, my very first lesson,I was all prepared with sticks, ready to go. 我记得我的一位老师,当我开始学习音乐的时候,我最早的课程,我准备好了鼓棒,信心满满。 And instead of him saying, OK, Evelyn, please,
Because of course, the ear is, I mean, subject to all sorts of things. 这当然是因为,我是说,耳朵受制于很多因素。 The room we happen to be in, the amplification, the quality of the instrument,the type of sticks ... etc.,
But it doesn't have to end there. 而这个过程可以实现永无止境。 This is really exciting. 这是令人非常激动的。 According to Herodotus, after 18 years the famine wasn't getting better,so the king decided they would play
I'm Jane McGonigal. I'm a game designer. 我叫JaneMcGonigal,我是一名游戏设计师。 I've been making games online now for 10 years, 我从事网络游戏设计已经10年了, and my goal for the next decade is to try to make it as
I may feel sorrowful, or happy, or exhilarated, or angry when I play certain pieces of music, but I'm not necessarily wanting you to feel exactly the same thing. 我可能觉得很悲伤,或者很高兴,或者很雀跃,或者很生气,当我演奏某段音
And please try to create that through your clapping. Try. Just-please try. 然后通过拍击发出打雷般的声音,请大家试一试 Very good! Snow. Snow. Have you ever heard snow? 很好!那么下雪的声音呢,大家听过吗? No. 没有 Well then, stop clapping. Tr