We brought it on air in November 2009. 我们在2009年11月的时候播出了这个节目。 But no, this was far more attractive. 但其实,这节目火了起来。 This is the five biggest TV channels in Norway on a normal Friday,and if you look at NR
Well one day, curiosity got the better of Pandora,and she did open the box. 终于有一天,好奇心战胜了潘多拉,她真的打开了盒子。 Out flew plagues, sorrows,and all sorts of evils against man. 飞出了瘟疫、悲伤,以及对人类有害的种种坏事。 The only good
They did not succeed,but remember the old Norwegian saying,it's not whether you win or lose that counts. 失败了呀。不过大家要记得那句挪威古语云:成败不重要, In fact, nothing counts, and death is coming for us all. 其实,什么都不
I live in Washington, D.C.,but I grew up in Sindhekela, a village in Orissa, in India. 我住在华盛顿特区但我是在新河克拉,印度奥里萨邦的一个小村庄长大。 My father was a government worker. 我父亲是个政府雇员, My mother could not read or write,
And in poorer countries, smaller countries, fragile countries,conflict-afflicted countries, remittances are a lifeline,as in Somalia or in Haiti. 在更穷,更小,或者正发生冲突的国家,移民汇款就如同救命稻草,比如说在索马里或海蒂。 No wonder th
I recently retired from the California Highway Patrol after 23 years of service. 我最近刚退休,离开了加利福尼亚公路巡警局,我工作了23年的地方。 The majority of those 23 years was spent patrolling the southern end of Marin County,w
Thank you. 谢谢大家。 I have only got 18 minutes to explain something that lasts for hours and days,so I'd better get started. 我只有18分钟的时间来讲一件持续了数天数夜的事情,所以最好述不宜迟, Let's start with a clip from Al Jaz
This guy, for instance,he's head of research at the University in Troms? 比如说这个家伙,他是特罗姆瑟大学的科研带头人。 And I will show you a piece of cloth,this one. 我给你们看看这块布条,就是这个。 It's the other strong memory. 这
In the end, we have to say, I don't know. 最后,我们不得不说,我不知道。 If we knew, God would not be God. 如果我们知道,上帝就不是上帝了。 To have faith in this God would be more like trusting an essential benevolence in the u
But it's a long program,so some watched part of it, like the Prime Minister. 不过它真的是一部很长的节目,所以有些人只看了其中一部分,比如咱的首相大人, Some watched a little bit more. 还有的呢,看得稍微久一点, It says, I haven't used my bed
I was born in Switzerland and raised in Ghana, West Africa. 我出生在瑞士,在西非的加纳长大。 Ghana felt safe to me as a child. 加纳对儿时的我是安全的家。 I was free, I was happy. 我很自由快乐。 The early 70s marked a time of musical and
By the end of each week,the students take a quiz,hand in their homework,which are assessed by their peers under the supervision of the instructors,get a grade, move to the next week. 每周结束的时候,学生们参加一个测验
The power of yet. 专注过程,而不是结果。 I heard about a high school in Chicago where students had to pass a certain number of courses to graduate,and if they didn't pass a course, they got the grade Not Yet
These are the reasons I founded University of the People,a nonprofit, tuition-free,degree-granting university to give an alternative,to create an alternative to those who have no other,an alternative
Wael is from Syria. 瓦伊尔来自叙利亚 He's firsthand experiencing the misery, fear and failure imposed on his country. 他正亲身感受着他的国家所遭受的痛苦、恐惧和失败。 He's a big believer in education. 他是教育的忠实信徒。 He knew that
So we need to make damn sure that the programs that our kids are receiving are not only having a positive impact, 因此我们要确保我们的孩子们正在接受的项目不仅是对他们有积极影响的, but having a lasting impact as well. 而且还要有持续的影响。 And
I'll tell you what they do next. 让我告诉你他们的表现。 In one study, they told us they would probably cheat the next time instead of studying more if they failed a test. 在一项研究中,他们告诉我们, 如果他们某次考试未通过,他们很可能会在下次
Look what happened: in this study,students who were not taught this growth mindset continued to show declining grades over this difficult school transition,but those who were taught this lesson showed
So the native kids outdid the Microsoft kids. 印第安孩子战胜了微软孩子。 This happened because the meaning of effort and difficulty were transformed. 这得以实现的原因,是努力与困难的意义在孩子心目中发生了改变。 Before, effort and difficulty ma
And we think it's for all of these reasons that they take more risks with things like alcohol and drug use; 基于以上理由,我们认为他们有更高的风险去做那些像酗酒、吸毒、 crash dieting; cosmetic surgery; unprotected, earlier sex