For a long time in my life, I felt like I'd been living two different lives. 在我生命中非常长的一段时间内,我感觉我在过着两种不同的人生。 There's the life that everyone sees, and then there's the life that only I see.
The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. 解决任何问题的第一步是认识到这一问题的存在。 Well, we haven't done that, so we can't really expect to find an answer when we're still afraid of
Well, I survived, and that just leaves me with my story, 嗯,我活下来了,那让我跟我的故事并存, and my story is this: 我的故事是: In four simple words, I suffer from depression. 简单的四个字,患抑郁症。 I suffer from depression, and for