Fortunately, in the 1950's, conformity was encouraged -- though we were also in a period of transition. 幸运的是,20世纪50年代,人们鼓励随大流--虽然当时我们也处于转型期。 Women were finding our voices at Wellesley, but we were
But as the names of dead European kings and the body parts of dissected animals begin to fade, 随着逝去的欧洲君王的名字、解剖过的动物身体构成开始从脑海中淡去, the true value of your days on the hill, in Boston, or in Grafton will b
President Monaco, distinguished faculty and trustees, honored guests, 莫纳可校长,尊敬的教职员工、校董们,嘉宾们, most important people -- members of the Class of 2015, families and friends: Good morning. 还有最重要的2015届毕业生们、
As a professor and mother of three college graduates, I have to confess that I just love commencement ceremonies. 作为一名教授,以及三个大学毕业生的妈妈,我必须承认,我很喜欢毕业典礼。 They are a unique milestone in our lives, because