Now, I could make a game called Piecraft, 现在,我可以做一个游戏名为《馅饼争霸》 where all you had to do was get a million pies or a thousand pies. 在里面你要做的所有事就是得到一百万个馅饼或者一千个馅饼 That would be very boring. 那会变得很无趣 Fifteen
The first one is very simple: experience bars measuring progress 首先看一个简单的:用经验值条量度进程 something that's been talked about brilliantly by people like Jesse Schell earlier this year. 它曾经被人精彩地讨论过,比如杰西谢尔
And I just look at this, and I think, yes, 看到这些,我想,是的 we could take that so much further by allowing people to set targets 我们能可以把它带到更广阔的境界,以让人们去设定目标的方式 by setting calibrated targets, 以设置校准目标的方式 by usi
On the one hand, there's the wanting processes. 在一方面,有一个期望过程 This is a bit like ambition and drive, 有点像野心和驱动力-- I'm going to do that. I'm going to work hard. 我要去做那件事,我要努力 On the other hand
I love video games. 我爱电子游戏 I'm also slightly in awe of them. 也对它抱有些许敬畏 I'm in awe of their power 我敬畏它们 in terms of imagination, in terms of technology, in terms of concept. 想象力,技术,概念方面的力量 But
I'm a brain scientist, and as a brain scientist, 我是一个脑科学家,而作为一个脑科学家, I'm actually interested in how the brain learns, 我对于大脑是如何学习的很感兴趣。 and I'm especially interested in a possibility of mak
As you probably know, the neurotransmitter associated with learning is called dopamine. 你知道,神经递质伴随学习产生的神经递质叫做多巴胺。 It's associated with reward-seeking behavior. 它与寻找奖励的行为相关联 And something very exci
Actually, those action video game players have many other advantages in terms of attention, 事实上,动作电子游戏的玩家在注意力方面还有很多其他优势。 and one aspect of attention which is also improved for the better 其中之一得到提高的是能够更
Now in a sense, when we think about the effect of video games on the brain, 从某种意义上来说,我们可以认为电子游戏对于大脑的影响 it's very similar to the effect of wine on the health. 和酒对于健康的影响很相似。 There are some very poor
And so I'm going to take a few examples from our work. 我想要举几个我们在研究中发现的例子。 One first saying that I'm sure you all have heard 这第一个说法,我想大多数人都听说过: is the fact that too much screen time makes your
You all know about multitasking. 你们都知道"多任务处理"(multitasking)。 You all have been faulty of multitasking when you're driving and you pick up your cellphone. 一边开车一边拿起手机的多任务处理不是明智之举。 Bad idea
So this is work from a colleague in Toronto. 这个工作是我们一个多伦多的同事完成的。 What they showed is that, initially, 他们发现一开始参加实验的人的表现 you know, subjects perform where they are expected to perform given their age. 和他
Imagine that you invented a device 想象你发明了一种设备 that can record my memories, my dreams, my ideas, and transmit them to your brain. 能记录我的记忆、我的梦想、我的想法,并且传到你的大脑。 That would be a game-changing technology, r
So I'm banging out my story and I know it's good, 我要大声地说出我的故事,我知道很好笑 and then I start to make it better - by adding an element of embellishment. 为了让故事更生动我会加点油、添点醋, Reporters call this "ma
So to test it, we did the following experiment. First, we took the story and played it backwards. 我们用以下的实验来测试。我们先将故事倒过来播放, And that preserved many of the original auditory features, but removed the me
And we believe that these responses in higher-order areas are induced or become similar across listeners 我们认为,听众这些相似的大脑高层次区块反应, because of the meaning conveyed by the speaker, and not by words or soun
And we think that this alignment is necessary for communication. 我们认为有效沟通必须有这样的较准。 For example, as you can tell, I am not a native English speaker. 举个例子,你们都听得出来英语并不是我的母语。 I grew up with another langua
So I'm banging out my story and I know it's good, and then I start to make it -- 我大声说出我的故事,我知道很好笑,为了让故事... Suddenly, you can see that the responses in all of the subjects lock to the story, 突然
Now, let's take all this information together and ask: 现在,综合以上所有信息,我们要问一个问题: How can we use it to transmit a memory that I have from my brain to your brains? 我们该如何利用它,把我大脑中的记忆传送到你们的大脑中呢? So we did the
But let me show you cutting-edge robotics. 现在我来介绍一下最高端的机器人技术。 Now a lot of robotics is very impressive, but manipulation robotics is really just in the dark ages. 如今许多项机器人技术已经相当厉害,可是在机器人动作控制方面我们遇到了瓶颈,