We've got to make it easier to vote, not harder, and modernize it for the way we live now. 我们要让投票更容易,而不是更难,我们应顺应现在的生活方式,使投票方式现代化。 This is America. We want to make it easier for people to participa
It was too tired, stressed, said it had a headache. 它太累了而且压力太大,并称头疼。 But Barack lit some candles and got some silky satin sheets. 但巴拉克点了蜡烛并且弄来了一些丝缎床单。 Silky satin sheets now. 丝缎床单哦。 Told the American
With millions of young people from china and India and brazil. 来自中国 印度 巴西 数以百万计的年轻人。 Many of whom started with a whole lot less than all of you did. 很多人比你们最初所拥有的还要少很多。 All of them entering the global
You have a special dispensation 你们有特许豁免权 Now, graduates, I am humbled to stand here with all of you 毕业生们 今天我和你们一起 恭敬地站在这里 As an honorary Morehouse man 成为荣誉莫尔豪斯人 I finally made it 我终于做到了 And as I do, I
I know it's raining, but I’m going to tell about Frederick. 我知道在下雨 但我想讲讲弗雷德里克。 Frederick started his college career in Ohio. 弗雷德里克在俄亥俄开始他的大学生涯。 Only to find out that his high school sweetheart bac
That's the unique sense of purpose that this place has always infused 这是这个地方一直灌输的独特目的观 The conviction that this is a training ground 这是一个训练场 Not only for individual success 目的不仅是训练你取得个人成就 But for
Be the best father you can be to your children. 当好父亲 尽最大努力照顾你的子女. Because nothing is more important. 因为没有比这更重要的. I was raised by a heroic single mom. 我由单亲妈妈带大 她是一位英雄. Wonderful grandparents made incre
And that motivates me. 正是这些激励了我. So it's up to you to widen your circle of concern. 你们需要拓宽自己关怀的范围. To care about justice for everybody, white, black and brown. 关心所有人的正义 无论白人 黑人 还是棕色人种. Everybody.
And I would apologize, but it did not have anything to do with security 我很抱歉 但这同安全没一点关系 Those graduates just wanted you to know what it's like to register for classes here 这些毕业生只是想让你们体会一下 选课时是什么滋味
Hello, morehouse 你好 莫尔豪斯 Thank you, everybody. Please be seated 谢谢大家 请就坐 I love you back 我也爱你 That is why i am here 所以我才来到这里 I have to say that 我想说 It is one of the great honors of my life 能为这个毕业典礼进行演
So, my fellow Americans, whatever you may believe, whether you prefer one party or no party, whether you supported my agenda or fought as hard as you against it, our collective future depends on your
I see it in the Dreamer who stays up late at night to finish her science project, and the teacher who comes in early maybe it was some extra supplies that she bought, because she knows that that young
That's appropriate because it's a sunday 这很合适 因为今天是礼拜日 I see some moms and grandmas here, aunts 我看到这里有一些母亲 祖母 姑妈 In their sunday best 盛装出席 Although they are upset about their hair getting mess
Black, white and brown 无论黑人 白人 还是棕色人种 To advocate for an America where everybody has got a fair shot in life 我们要让所有美国人 都拥有平等的生存机会 Not just some. Not just a few 不是部分人 更不是少数人 But along with collective r
Hey, y'all. Hey! I'm excited now! Oh, my goodness! You all good? All right, enough about me. This is about you. Let me start by thanking Dr. Meyers for that wonderful introduction, and more im
And that motivates me. 正是这些激励了我. So it's up to you to widen your circle of concern. 你们需要拓宽自己关怀的范围. To care about justice for everybody, white, black and brown. 关心所有人的正义 无论白人 黑人 还是棕色人种. Everybody.
Wow! Let me just take it in. First of all, it is beyond a pleasure and an honor to be here to celebrate the City College of New York Class of 2016! You all, I mean, this has been the most fun I think
With millions of young people from china and India and brazil. 来自中国 印度 巴西 数以百万计的年轻人。 Many of whom started with a whole lot less than all of you did. 很多人比你们最初所拥有的还要少很多。 All of them entering the global
I know it's raining, but I’m going to tell about Frederick. 我知道在下雨 但我想讲讲弗雷德里克。 Frederick started his college career in Ohio. 弗雷德里克在俄亥俄开始他的大学生涯。 Only to find out that his high school sweetheart bac
President Obama still has eight months left in office before his second term is up. 奥巴马总统的在位时间还剩八个月,然后他的第二个任期就要结束。 Naturally, this is a time to look back on all he's accomplished over the past eig