Hi, everybody. 大家好! For millions of Americans, this time of year holds great meaning. 对数百万美国人民而言,每年的这个时候都有着特殊的意义。 Earlier this week, we hosted a Passover Seder at the White House, and joined Jewish fa
Hi, everybody. 大家好。 Earlier this week was Equal Pay Day. 本周二是同酬日。 It marks the extra time the average woman has to work into a new year to earn what a man earned the year before. 数据显示,平均而言,在新的一年里,女性要挣
And what's even more disturbing is what's happening with younger boys. 更加令人不安的是发生在年轻的男孩子身上的事情。 There's been about a decade of research about what people are calling the "boy crisis." 这有一个进行了大约十年的调查,关于
So they spread out all the census data, 他们分析了所有的人口统计数据, and what they found, the guy described to me as a shocker, 他们发现,他的描述对我而言是一个震惊, which is that in 1,997 out of 2,000 communities, 在一九九七年,两千个社区中, w
Now you laugh, but that quote has kind of a sting to it, right? 你觉得好笑,但是那句话有些刺痛,对吧。 And I think the reason it has a sting 我认为它有刺的原因 is because thousands of years of history don't reverse themselves wi
And the other reason it's kind of urgent is because it's not just happening in the U.S. 这件事情比较紧急的另一个原因是因为它不仅仅发生在美国。 It's happening all over the world. 它发生在整个世界。 In India, poor women are learning Engli
And I remembered back to about 10 years ago 我还记得大约十年前 when I read a book by Susan Faludi called "Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man", 当我在读苏珊·法露迪的“失信:美国男人的背叛”这本书 in which she described how hard
We are now going through an amazing and unprecedented moment 我们现在正在经历着一个惊人的、史无前例的时刻 where the power dynamics between men and women are shifting very rapidly, 男人和女人之间的力量正在迅速地转换着。 and in many of the pla
We have the charmless misanthrope. 我们有毫无魅力愤世嫉俗者。 Then we have our Bud Light guy who's the happy couch potato. 有终日赖在沙发上边看电视边喝百威淡啤的男子。 And then here's a shocker: even America's most sexiest man alive, 这
So what's that about? 到底怎么回事? It looks like women got some power boost on a video game, 看起来好像女人像是电子游戏里一样得到很多的力量。 or like they snuck in some secret serum into their birth-control pills that lets them s
If you think about this, if you just open your eyes to this possibility 如果你想到这些,如果你向这些可能性睁开你的眼睛 and start to connect the dots, you can see the evidence everywhere. 并且开始连接这些点,你可以看见证据无所不在。 You can see i
If you read management books now, a leader is somebody who can foster creativity, 如果你现在读管理类的书,领导是那种可以激发创造力, who can get his -- get the employees -- see, I still say "his" -- 可以令他的--员工们--看吧,我仍然说“他的”--
That's how good Marvel was at selling superheroes. 这体现了漫威是出色的英雄卖家。 Last year, they released a film called "Guardians of the Galaxy." 去年,他们发售了一部名叫《银河守护者》的影片。 It's a film that absolutely should not work
Even though she has never seen "Game of Thrones," primarily because we are not the worst parents who ever lived. 即使她未曾看过《权利的游戏》,主要是因为我们并不是最糟的父母。 But she knows there's someone called the Mother of Drag
When a movement includes in its discourse language around gender equality, 当一个运动在其议题中包含性别平等时 it increases dramatically the chances it will adopt nonviolence, and thus, the likelihood it will succeed.
Since 1937, Disney has made most of its money selling princesses to girls. 从1937年开始,迪士尼就通过向女孩儿们出售公主玩偶赚钱。 It's made a huge chunk of its money. 他们为此大赚了一笔。 Unless, of course, the princess your daughter i
The separation barrier was changed completely to the internationally recognized green line, 隔离墙被完全改道到国际认可的绿线内 and the women of Budrus came to be known across the West Bank for their indomitable energy
It's, in short, how we learn what we know about other people and about the world. 简而言之,那就是我们如何了解到,我们对于其他人的认知,以及我们对于全世界的认知。 But we live in a 100-percent media-saturated society. 但是我们生活在一个媒体无处不在的社会中。 Wh
This period, though, was also marked by widespread nonviolent organizing 然而,这个时期也同样充斥着非暴力的组织形式 in the forms of strikes, sit-ins and the creation of parallel institutions. 罢工、静坐及平行组织的其他活动 During the Fi
If we do not lift up the women who played critical roles in these struggles, 如果我们不表彰那些在斗争中起到关键作用的女人们 we fail to offer up role models to future generations. 我们就不能为后代树立榜样 Without role models, it becomes