We should never be ashamed of the simplicity and prudential economies which are best suited to the operation of a republican form of government and most compatible with the mission of the American peo
The people demand reform in the administration of the Government and the application of business principles to public affairs. 人民渴望改革政府行政,把企业原则应用于公共事务。 As a means to this end, civil-service reform sho
The large variety of diverse and competing interests subject to Federal control, persistently seeking the recognition of their claims, 联邦控制下的众多相互竞争的利益集团,尽管不断寻求对其主张的承认, need give us no fear that "
I shall on all subjects have a policy to recommend,but none to enforce against the will of the people. 我将就各个问题上提出可行的政策,它们无一逆于人民意愿。 Laws are to govern all alike those opposed as well as those who favor
Fellow citizens In the presence of this vast assemblage of my countrymen I am about to supplement and seal by the oath which I shall take 同胞们,值此空前盛会,我谨按照我国伟大 the manifestation of the will of a great a
The young men of the country those who from their age must be its rulers twenty five years hence 美国青年——25岁以后将成为国家的领导者 have a peculiar interest in maintaining the national honor. 特别关心维护国家荣誉。 A moment