The global challenge that I want to talk to you about today 我今天要跟大家谈的全球性挑战 rarely makes the front pages. 很少出现在头版头条 It, however, is enormous 但是,它影响之广,之深, in both scale and importance. 都不可小视。 Look, you
Let me tell you about Saima. 我要告诉你们赛玛的故事。 She lives in a small village outside Lahore, Pakistan. 她住在拉合尔市外的一个小村子,在巴基斯坦。 And at the time, she was miserable. 她当时悲惨到家了。 She was beaten every single day 每一天
So you see how transformative 你已经看到了 little bits of help can be. 微薄的帮助如何带来巨变。 But I want to give you a reality check. 但我还要给你们看看事实。 Look: U.S. aid, helping people is not easy, 美国援助,助人不易。 and there have
Let me tell you about Beatrice Biira. 下面这个故事有关碧翠斯,比拉. Beatrice was living in Uganda 碧翠斯住在乌干达, near the Congo border, 刚果边界附近, and like Dai Manju, she didn't go to school. 和戴曼君一样,她失学了。 Actually, she
So research has shown, 有研究显示, if you look at people who live under two dollars a day -- 那些每天消费两美金以下的人-- one metric of poverty -- 这绝对是标准的贫困人群-- two percent of that take-home pay 他们百分之二的收入 goes to this
And that brings me to my first major 我写《半边天》的两个信条之一 of two tenets of "Half the Sky." 是从这里得到启发的。 And that is that 这一个信条就是 the central moral challenge 本世纪 of this century 最大的伦理道德挑战 is gender i
Let me tell you about Mahabuba. 我要告诉你们马哈布巴的故事。 She lives in Ethiopia. 她住在埃塞俄比亚。 She was married against her will at age 13. 她13岁时被迫结婚。 She got pregnant, ran to the bush to have the baby, 她怀孕了,试图在灌木丛中生
So then, I ask, 我想问的是, what's in it for you? 你可以为此做些什么? You're probably asking that. Why should you care? 你可以正有这个疑问:这于我何干? I will just leave you with two things. 我只再说两点。 One is that research s
Well this is a really extraordinary honor for me. 很荣幸来到这里。 I spend most of my time in jails, in prisons, on death row. 我大多数时候都在管教所,在监狱里,在死囚室中。 I spend most of my time in very low-income communities in
Well that orientation of the spirit is very much at the core of what I believe even TED communities have to be engaged in. 这个心灵的指向,就是我的核心信念,我们的TED社会也要参与进来。 There is no disconnect around technology and
Our system isn't just being shaped in these ways that seem to be distorting around race, they're also distorted by poverty. 我们的司法系统不仅是改变了,而是围绕着种族问题扭曲了,也围绕着贫困扭曲了。 We have a system of justice in this co
Well I went into the courtroom. And as soon as I walked inside, the judge saw me coming in. 所以我跑到法庭里。我一走进去,法官看见我就说: He said, "Mr. Stevenson, did you write this crazy motion?" “史蒂文森先生,是你写了这个疯案么?” I sai
And then she said, "I just need you to promise me three things, Bryan." I said, "Okay, Mama." 接着她说:“我想让你向我保证三件事。”我说:“好的外婆。” She said, "The first thing I want you to promise me is that you'll always lo
A couple months went by, and I had just forgotten all about it. 几个月过去了,我全忘了有这么回事。 And I finally decided, oh gosh, I've got to go to the court and do this crazy case. 最后我决定,天哪,我得上庭去做这个案子。 And I got int
I sometimes get out of balance. I'll end with this story. 我常失去平衡。我想用个故事结束我的演讲。 I sometimes push too hard. I do get tired, as we all do. 我有时工作太多,很累,就像大家每个人一样。 Sometimes those ideas get ahead of our thi
And I'm going to admit something to you. I'm going to tell you something I probably shouldn't. 现在我想向大家坦白一件事。可能不该在这里说。 I know this might be broadcast broadly. 因为这个演讲是会到处播的。 But I'm 52 years old, and I'
Death penalty in America is defined by error. 死刑在美国是常有差错的。 For every nine people who have been executed, we've actually identified one innocent person who's been exonerated and released from death row
So you heard and saw an obvious desire by this audience, this community, to help you on your way and to do something on this issue. 你应该听到看到这些听众,这个群体,想帮你、想做贡献的意愿了。 Other than writing a check, what coul
And yet, we have in this country this dynamic where we really don't like to talk about our problems. 然而,我们这个国家不喜欢讨论存在的问题。 We don't like to talk about our history. 我们不喜欢讨论历史。 And because of that, we re
I gave her my whole rap, and when I finished she looked at me and she said, "Mmm mmm mmm." 我做了一个全本无删减的演讲,当我结束时,她盯着我说:“别别别。” She said, "That's going to make you tired, tired, tired." 她说:“这些会让你很累,很累,很累的