So in the Charles Bonnet hallucinations, you have all sorts of levels, from the geometrical hallucinations -- 在邦纳式幻觉中,有好几种等级,从几何幻觉, the pink and blue squares the woman had -- up to quite elaborate hal
Now this, for me, is a common situation. I work in old-age homes, largely. 其实这种现象对我来说并不稀奇,我在养老院工作。 I see a lot of elderly people who are hearing impaired or visually impaired. 认识很多老人是听力或视力受损的。 About 1
Sometimes, she said, before the people come on, she may hallucinate pink and blue squares on the floor, which seem to go up to the ceiling. 她说,有时候在她看到人之前,她还能看到地板上粉色和蓝色的方块跑到天花板上。 I said, "Is this like
Around 1970, it was found that there were not only parts of the brain, but particular cells. 1970年左右,人们发现特化的不是一块区域,而是相应的脑细胞。 "Face cells" were discovered around 1970. And now we know that there are hu
We see with the eyes, but we see with the brain as well. And seeing with the brain is often called imagination. 我们用眼睛看世界,但我们也用大脑看。用大脑来看,也就是我们常说的想象。 And we are familiar with the landscapes of our own i
She didn't mind the cartoons too much. But what did disturb her was she got very persistent images or hallucinations of faces and as with Rosalie, 她并不大关注那部卡通,让她非常苦恼的是,这些幻觉持续地出现,而且跟罗斯莉的情况一样, the faces
Charles Bonnet said, 250 years ago -- he wondered how, thinking these hallucinations, how, as he put it, the theater of the mind could be generated by the machinery of the brain. 查尔斯·邦纳在250年前在对这些幻觉现象的
With him and with Rosalie, what seems to be going on -- and Rosalie said, "What's going on?" -- 这种在查尔斯·鲁林和罗斯莉身上发生的让罗斯莉问道“我这是这么了?”的现象 and I said that as you lose vision, as the visual parts of the brai