Back in 2001, when I was considering running for mayor people told me: "Don't do it. 2001年 当我考虑竞选市长时人们都跟我说 "算了吧" You'll never win The media will tear you apart. 你赢不了的"媒体会把你
This is Duke University President Brodhead, Trustees, and members of the Duke University Community It is so fantastic to be back here at my alma mater 这里是杜克大学布罗德海德校长 董事会及杜克大学的老师同学们能回到母校真是太妙了 I am real
And we have a Congress that doesn't have the courage to enforce it through a comprehensive background check system. 但国会却没有勇气站出来为全面背景审查制度立法 As a result, 33 innocent people are murdered with guns ev
It was national news for a day or two Then came mass shootings in. 这是那一两天的全国性新闻然后大规模枪击事件又陆续发生在 Pittsburgh, Miami, Oakland, Tulsa, Seattle Wilmington, Aurora, Milwaukee, Texas A&M. 匹兹堡 迈阿密 奥克兰 塔尔萨
And eat some Mac and Cheese wedges I actually hear the atmosphere is very, what's the right word, colorful?. 然后吃一些通心粉和楔形奶酪我听说这里的气候非常 怎么说来着 多彩吗 I wanted to go to Sunset Point and sit on a bench the
You overcame living in New-Apps and having an 8:10 A.M. economics class in Ascension. 你们克服了新应用层出不穷的生活早上8:10就要到Ascension礼堂上经济学课程 You survived comps You survived the closing of Middle Ground. 你们克服了联合考试你
Some of you may be talking about how you worked on the campaign that elected our first woman president. 有些人可能会讲自己如何努力为第一位女总统的诞生而努力 Some of you may be talking about how you've helped pioneer sustai
And if you continue to work hard you will find opportunities that continue to be rewarding. 如果你愿意一直努力你将能够持续从工作和生活中得到回报 I can only tell you that I came from a family with no connections and no contacts
In a couple of minutes, you will become a graduate but I hope that, for the rest of your life, you will remain a student. 几分钟后 你们就将毕业但我希望你们剩下的人生中 保持一个学生的心态 Your capacity to learn is the greatest asset
Good morning, faculty, family, students, friends lords and ladies all. 早上好 老师们 家人们 同学们 朋友们女士们 先生们 And Ryan, thank you for that kind introduction and thank you, Provost Samhat. 赖安 感谢你的介绍感谢桑姆哈特教务长 Altho